No. 2 - Exhausted

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Glory had just been flooded by a massive tsunami of scrolls. Yay. Boring paperwork. This was Starflight's thing, definitely not hers.

It was the weekend. Glory should've been celebrating. What kind of queen wanted to be signing paperwork instead of partying with her friends. Certainly not this queen.

Glory sighed. There was a party tonight for Kinkajou's 5th hatching day and Glory couldn't go. The whole rainforest was going to be there, except their queen. Glory would be spending tonight signing stupid scrolls and reading pointless documents.

Why did being a queen have to be so hard? Glory had no spare time at all. Everything was so stressful and tiring! She barely had a second to think!

Glory moaned in her seat, forcing her eyes to stay open, when she heard a knock on the door. She immediately knew who it was.

"Come in Kinkajou," Glory said sitting up slowly and putting her royal face on.

"Pleeeeeeeaaaaaase Glory! You have to come! It won't be the same without you," Kinkajou pleaded, "As the very special hatching day dragonet I order you to come to my party!"

"Kinkajou, I don't think it works like that," Glory said, "Anyway, I thought you weren't supposed to know about the party."

"Oh yeah! RainWings aren't very good at keeping secrets. Orchid blurted it out in one of my lessons this morning. Then she told me to pretend I still don't know about the party but I thought it would be okay to talk to you about it. Pleeeeeeeaaaaaase Glory. If you don't say you'll come, I'll come back later and ask you again."

"Kinkajou you've asked me the same question like five times today," Glory sighed, "I've lost count of how many times you have stepped into my treehouse. This paperwork can't wait. I have to finish it all tonight."

"But look at you," Kinkajou said, concerned, "You're exhausted!"

Am I? she thought. "I'm fine Kinkajou!" Glory said feeling flustered. Her scales went bright red and orange.

"Okay okay okay, I'll be back later," Kinkajou said in a rush out of the door, leaving Glory by herself. She turned back to the mess of scrolls on her desk. Glory couldn't focus. Her vision was blurry and she just couldn't think straight. No. There is no way I am getting exhaustion sickness.

She jolted out of her seat and tried to clear her head. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. But she wasn't fine. 

Splashes of ghastly green and white crossed her scales as she felt something rise up her throat. Glory threw open the door and felt fresh air fill her lungs. She pushed the sick feeling out of her system. I'm perfectly fine. 

"Geez Glory I think you left a scar," Glory looked down and saw Deathbringer holding his head in his talons. With a shock of guilt, she realised she had knocked him over when she opened the door. 

"Have you been there the whole time," Glory croaked, trying to make her voice sound normal.

"It's my job," he said while slowly standing up. Glory rolled her eyes. "You okay, you look a little pale?"

"I'm fine," she said a little too quickly.

"You're clearly not fine," he noticed sceptically, "Your a little grumpier than usual."

"I'm never grumpy," Glory complained, "It's just my royal presence." She tried to act casual and hide the exhaustion and sick feeling inside.

"If you say so," Deathbringer shrugged, "Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Seriously? Grandeur invited the NightWings too?" She said, "I can't go. I have too much business to take care of."

"Don't you think you're pushing yourself a little too far? You look awful. You need to rest or go to the healers," Deathbringer reasoned, "I'm sure the paperwork can wait."

"No it can't. It's way too important," Glory said, "And I'm fine."

She took a step backwards into her office and tripped over a sticking-out branch. Ouch. Glory got up and rubbed her head. Suddenly, her vision went foggy again and her heart was pounding out of her chest. Deathbringer rushed forward and held her steady. He clearly saw something was wrong. 

Glory's legs and talons could no longer support her body. The last thing she saw was Deathbringer's concerned face as she collapsed into his arms and totally blacked out.


Glory slowly pried her eyes open and found herself staring at a leafy, green ceiling. Thank goodness she was still in the Rainforest. Glory was afraid for a second that she had been kidnapped, but now she could remember what really happened.

She had fainted.

Glory was lying on a soft bed of ferns that felt very familiar. She soon realised she was in the healers hut. Deathbringer must have taken her here, so where was he? Glory scanned the hut to see if she was alone and met a pair of black scales and dark green eyes. Her heart lept. Deathbringer?

"Thank the moons you're okay!" The dragon cried. It wasn't Deathbringer, "I thought for a while that you weren't going to wake up. I've been sitting here listening for so long and I couldn't hear a thing from you until now!"

Moon looked down at Glory and smiled with relief. "We're you trying to read my mind?" Glory finally found her voice.

"I'm sorry your majesty but this was a very stressful situation. I thought you were going to die and I didn't know what to do. As you can see everyone left me to go set up for the party," Moon sighed.

"The party?" Glory jumped out of the bed feeling better than she had been in days. "Oh no! I have all that paperwork to finish! I'll never get it done in time!"

"Don't stress Queen Glory, Deathbringer and Starflight are in your office right now sorting it out," Moon said.

"They're doing it for me?" Glory asked.

"Deathbringer organised it all. He asked Starflight to help him handle the paperwork and told me to make sure you don't go anywhere near your treehouse. Until after Kinkajou's that is," Moon explained, "Oh, and the healers said that you're free to go once you wake up. And you're awake now so that's brilliant. They said you were just tired and needed a lie down. I'm sure a 7 hour lie down is good enough."

"I was unconscious for seven hours?!" Glory said, "Imagine what would've happened if Deathbringer hadn't have been there!"

"Oh I know. It wouldn't have been very good. You would've missed the party completely," Moon helped Glory out the door into the evening sunset.

"How could I ever repay him?" Glory asked.

"Ummmm...." Moon smiled and giggled, "you could be his date to the party."

Glory was shocked to discover she actually didn't mind the thought.

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