No. 5 - Truth or Dare

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I would like to thank KawaiiRLovesShips who gave me the inspiration to write this chapter. Thanks guys for all the support and positive comments. 

But don't worry I haven't forgotten 'bout you guys! I will be updating once every week or at least once a fortnight.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

"Come on Glory, we have to play!" Deathbringer pleaded on his knees. "Kinkajou said she would never speak to any of us again if we don't play truth or dare with her!"

Glory sighed. "But I despise truth or dare, you know that! Remember what happened last time?"

Deathbringer rolled on the floor hysterically in a fit of laughter. "Of course I remember! That was hilarious!"

"It's not funny," Glory rolled her eyes, "I'm still plotting my revenge on Tsunami for that one!"

Kinkajou, Tsunami, Sunny, Starflight, Clay, Turtle and Anemone were gathered in a circle on the floor of Kinkajou's treehouse. 

"I see you've brought the family too, Tsunami," Glory observed, waving at nervous Turtle and bored Anemone. Tsunami smiled mischievously at Glory beside Deathbringer with a look that said this game wasn't going to end well.

"Yayyyyyyyy! Let's play! Okay so I was super boooooooorrrrrrred this morning so I decided 'hey we should play truth or dare today!'" Kinkajou exclaimed, "So.... I'll go first! EEEEEEEEEEK! Who to choose? ......... Sunny, truth or dare?"

Sunny looked shaken for a moment and a little scared. "Well dare, obviously!"

"Hmmmmmmm," Kinkajou took a long moment to think. "I really thought you were gonna say truth. Dang it! I had such a juicy one!"

"Hurry up Kink!" Clay said, "Starflight and I brought a whole platter of meat and it's just sitting on the balcony with my name written all over it. I haven't eaten alllllll day!"

"Ummmmm.... I dare you," Kinkajou started with a grin, "to eat Clay's meat platter! The ENTIRE THING! Hehe I'm so evil!" Sunny was shocked for a moment because she didn't want to make Clay sad. However Clay wasn't moving. It was as if he was paralysed with hunger, despair and anger at Kinkajou.

Sunny sighed, "I'll only do it..... if you do it with me Kinkajou!" 

Anemone brought the meat platter inside and placed it in front of Kinkajou and Sunny with a smirk. The little RainWing's face was splurged with disgust and her scales turned a ghastly, gross green. Glory didn't envy her at all right now. She had gotten so used to the RainWings' vegitarian lifestyle that she could barely lay eyes on a chunk of meat these days.

"Come on then guys, dig in," Glory laughed.

"If you really, really must," Clay spoke up.

Once every speck of beef and fish was cleared from the platter, Kinkajou rushed outside quickly to be sick.

"Stomach of a MudWing this one," Anemone giggled.

 She glanced at Clay's face and cracked up so hard that Deathbringer said, "Do we need to resuscitate her?" 

"I'm all good!" Kinkajou announced her re-entry.

"Okay," Sunny began, "Glory, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Glory said to no one's surprise. After what happened last time, she wanted to play a little bit safe.

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