No. 4 - The Lemon Tree

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A/N: EDIT from like a year later: I know what you're thinking.... but this is not a LEMON. Old me just didn't think before choosing a title XD.

A bright green leaf gracefully dropped from the branch and landed softly on Deathbringer's snout. This was followed by an awkward shower of greenery that seemed to only want to annoy him. 

Deathbringer sat in a relaxed position under the shade of the tall, twisting Lemon Tree, with only one thing on his mind....... Glory.

Her exotic, colourful scales. Her sparkling, green eyes. Her quirky, funny, playful and clever personality. The smile on her face when she was in his presence. She's mesmerising. 

This vibrant, peaceful oasis was alive with colour and good vibes. Shiny, ripe fruit hung from every tree in Deathbringer's line of sight. The beautiful sound of the crystal-clear stream rushing between rocks was music to his ears.

There was just one thing missing.


Deathbringer didn't feel an ounce of happiness in his body. He felt lifeless. No emotions except loneliness and boredom. 

Deathbringer didn't know why he liked it here so much. If anything, he should be trying to avoid this entire area. It reminded him of an island far away from the Rainforest. A once peaceful, tropical island in the Kingdom of the Sea. An island that would never be peaceful again.

Deathbringer sighed and slumped back against the tree trunk in deep thought. He didn't feel like moving at all. Horrifying memories of the island flooded his brain. He could see a massive blue-green dragon, a pale, weak NightWing lying limply under a blanket of sand. He heard the sound of crashing waves and lightning flashing in the distance. He didn't understand why this was coming back to haunt him now... nine years later.

Suddenly, there was a rustle of leaves over head as a long, thick stick fell from the Lemon Tree and bopped him on the head. Warily, Deathbringer looked up into the tree for what had caused the stick to fall. His vision was slightly blurred as his head was throbbing from the stupid stick.

Although he was currently not in the best condition, Deathbringer could see something out of place. A small, yellow lemon hung in mid air. It floated in that same spot for a minute and then immediately fell out of the air and hit Deathbringer on the snout.

A muffled giggle could be heard from above. Deathbringer smiled for the first time today and called out, "Come on out Glory. You would make a terrible assassin."

"What if I told you I had been here the whole time?" Glory's yellow and blue shape materialised from behind a fat branch.

"We're you dropping those leaves too?" Deathbringer asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course!" Glory landed on a pile of leaves in front of him, "I've been watching you the entire time and you didn't even notice! I'm suggesting that your so-called 'Assassin' abilities are slacking off a bit."

"Ha ha very funny," Deathbringer mocked, "I obviously knew you were there. My telepathic NightWing abilities told me so." He touched his temples with his claws like an impromptu impression of a mind reader.

"Sure sure sure," Glory threw him a skeptic look which made him laugh immediately. She was smart enough to notice how much his mood had changed from two minutes ago. Before, he was miserable and unhappy, a side Glory had never seen on him before. Whereas now, after she had come out of hiding, he had an aura of happiness and radiated with joy. This made her wonder if she really meant that much to Deathbringer.

"Did your meeting finish early?" He asked.

"Nope. I managed to escaped. It was super boring and I couldn't stand being in a room with ancient, wrinkly dragons any longer," Glory grinned.

"Well how did you find me?" Deathbringer asked genuinely curious.

Glory paused for a second. "I have my sources."

She took a moment to examine the scenery around the Lemon Tree. "Woah this is magnificent!" She cried, "Is this like an assassin hideout or something?"

"No..... i-it's just.. a place,"Deathbringer answered.

"Well duh it's a place, but why is it so special?" Now Glory was worried. Something was clearly bothering him, and it had been bothering him all morning.

Deathbringer wondered if he should tell her. Maybe it would make him feel better. His mother always said that talking about your feelings would help solve your problem.

I can trust her with anything, Deathbringer thought.

 "This place in the forest reminds me of.." he took a deep breath, "the last place I saw my mother. We were on an assassination mission on an island near the Kingdom of The Sea. It was such a beautiful place just like this. It was my first ever mission... and what turned out to be my mother's last. A storm hit just as we arrived a-and she got hit by lightning." Deathbringer didn't feel better at all. "There was nothing I could do."

Glory's scales were dark blue and her expression told him everything; she didn't know what to do or say to make him feel better. Deathbringer understood. Nothing would ever turn this guilty, horrible feeling into something to smile about.

Glory took one step closer to his spot against the tree but slipped on a leaf in the process. She fell forward and landed on top of Deathbringer, their faces inches apart.

"You know, I made a promise that day," Deathbringer whispered, caught up in her gaze, "to my self."

"A promise?" Glory was practically speechless. She felt awfully comfortable in his warm arms. She could hear nothing but the sound of his voice. She couldn't focus on anything apart from the fact that she had fallen for Deathbringer. (Get it?)

"I promised myself that if I ever found someone else to love and care about, I would protect them at all costs and never lose them like I lost my mother," he said sincerely, "That someone is you Glory."

She slowly met his dark gaze. She didn't even care that her scales were bright pink. (Well, she did a bit.) But that didn't stop the rush of emotions that flooded her heart.

Glory twined her tail around his and leaned forward so their snouts were touching. 

"That someone is you too Deathbringer."

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