No. 11 - Embarrasing Valentine

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A/N: Welcome to my Glorybringer Valentines Special, during the middle of September!!! I don't know if dragons would celebrate Valentines Day, well they do now.

A knock sounded at Glory's door, making the RainWing Queen jump. She heaved herself off the chair that she had been sitting on all day signing scrolls. Approaching the door, she found a note had been slid under the crack in the door. She picked it up, knowing that whoever had left it was long gone.

Glory carefully unfolded the note, expecting something that she wouldn't look forward to. 

And she was right.

My Queen, meet me in the very centre of the RainWing village 4:00pm.

From the only dragon that would call you 'my queen.'

It was then that Glory remembered what day it was... Valentines Day. 

'The only dragon that would call you my queen.' Good one Deathbringer.

Glory knew Deathbringer too well to know that he would try everything and anything to get her to be his valentine. No matter how embarrasing it was.

The part that made Glory most nervous was that he wanted her to meet in the middle of the RainWing village, which was crawling with RainWings! But something deep inside of Glory was forcing her to go meet Deathbringer. She hated it when that happened.

As Glory approached the village square, her legs turned to jelly and her scales went deep green with splashes of pink. I'm not nervous! Am I?

She noticed the impatient, large crowd of RainWings and immediately wanted to turn back and run back to the safety of her treehouse. The only thing that kept her there was the smiling NightWing standing on a bamboo "stage" above the RainWings. Practically the whole tribe was waiting for a romantic show!

Glory noticed a hint of nerves in Deathbringer's expression as he saw her stand before him. She giggled silently. 

Wait... Deathbringer's not going to sing, is he?!

He knows that would be the most embarrasing Valentine's Day gift ever! Seriously? 

"Attention everyone!" He called to the crowd. Glory tried not to meet his eyes, worried that she would faint or turn totally pink in front of everyone. "This song goes out to a very special RainWing Queen." Way to narrow it down! Oh boy.

The RainWings erupted into Awwwws and oooooooohs! Heads turned to Glory who's cheeks blushed scarlet.

As Deathbringer began to sing, it was clear that he could kill a monkey with his voice, not in a good way. But it didn't matter that he was rubbish, it was the lyrics that melted Glory's heart. (Even though they didn't rhyme at all.)

"Remember in the Ice Kingdom where we first met?

You were dressed as an IceWing, a cute one at that,

A spark lit between us that not even the breeze could put out,

Love, I'm not lying, that's what I felt, 

When I saw that flower crown, placed on your head,

I never regret that day,

When you called me your bodyguard,

I know you feel the same way Glory, you can't hide from me,"

And you can imagine how the rest of the song went. Deathbringer was quite the stage performer actually. This was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.

The truth was, Glory did feel the same way, exactly the same way. One day, I'll tell him that.

But not like this!

A/N: Hi Guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. As you can tell, I don't think I'll ever pursue a career in songwriting. If you want more WOF oneshots from me check out my new-ish oneshots book. 

Also, I've just finished the first chapter of a brand new WOF story that I know you'll enjoy - Keeping Up With Jade High School (Wings of Fire Human AU).

It's all about the drama of high school with the Dragonets of Destiny and mainly the Jade Winglet, as humans! At some point I promise it'll include Glorybringer!

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