No. 3 - Chase

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A/N: I wasn't planning on updating again this week but I decided to anyway. The number of reads this story is getting has risen dramatically in the past few days so I dedicate this chapter to you guys for reading my work. 💖💖💖 Thanks so much!


"You call this fun?" Glory screamed, running into almost every tree in the Rainforest as she flew as fast as she could. Dappled green sunlight shone through the canopy above, casting shadows along the soft undergrowth.

"This is the definition of fun," Deathbringer shot back catching up to Glory. "You said you wanted to learn how to get away from dangerous situations and this is the best way to learn."

"What? Flying through the forest being chased by my bodyguard? It's like you're trying to prove to me that I cannot protect myself and that I need you," Glory landed on the muddy ground, her talons sinking into the squishy ground. "Which I don't by the way. I don't need you."

"I learnt how to be the Pyrrhia's Greatest Assassin from the 2nd greatest assassin, my mother." Deathbringer explained, landing beside her. "Now I am teaching you how to be Pyrrhia's Greatest Queen. And that involves being able to escape an enemy."

"I can't believe you convinced me to waste an entire day practising pointless battle tactics," Glory moaned and sat down.

"Come on Glory, this is fun!" Deathbringer brought her to her feet. "It's a win-win situation. You get to learn some tips from the best. I get to prove to you that you still need a bodyguard and that we should totally consider Deathbringer's Assassin School for Dragons. It has a nice ring to it."

"More like Deathbringer's Assassin School for Dorks," Glory said, "No one would want to come to your school anyway. Your lessons are no fun."

Deathbringer picked up a squashed banana from the forest floor and threw it at Glory. It landed with a splat right on top of her head. In retaliation, she picked a dragon fruit from the nearest tree branch, chucked it at Deathbringer's stomach and made sure the juice stained his scales.

He smiled in a devious way which Glory noticed. She instantly flew as fast as possible in the other direction. The wind rushed past her banana-soaked scales as she pushed on forward, trying to avoid hitting vines or branches.

Glory looked back and noticed that Deathbringer wasn't following her anymore. She scanned her entire surroundings and found no sign of him. Maybe he gave up and left. Maybe he didn't want to spend time with her anymore. Glory's heart ached. She hated this feeling but liked it at the same time. Maybe she had said something mean or nasty on accident....

Or maybe... he was just tricking her-

Glory screamed as a dark shape pushed her out of the sky and onto the ground below. 

Deathbringer had her pinned down with a smug smile on his face. "Aha! You still think you can protect yourself?"

"Well there aren't too many 'Pyrrhia's Greatest Assassin' s  in the world are there? Anyway I've been a little distracted today. If I was fully focussed, you wouldn't have caught me off guard." She explained.

"Were my looks and charm distracting you then?" Deathbringer mocked, "Queens shouldn't get distracted that easily. Although, I am very distracting." He smiled at the expression on her face.

"Are you going to get off me soon? You're heavier than you look Deathbringer," Glory said.

"It's all muscle," He grinned.

"Is this a part of your self-defence lesson? Because it really isn't necessary," Glory could feel the warmth of his scales against hers. It made her feel all mushy inside. 

"It's not."

"Then why are you doing it?" 

There was a long, dramatic pause after her last question. Deathbringer was probably thinking of something clever to say. But what came out of his mouth made shivers run down Glory's spine.

"Because...... I love you Glory."

Although it didn't shock Glory as much as what she said in reply.

"I love you too."


I will try and update as much as possible. I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it!🤩 If you have any ideas on what I should write about next or any feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. 🌸 🌹🌺 

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