No. 9 - Bad Boyfriend

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A/N: Eeeeeeek I am so happy to announce that we just hit 1 thousand reads! This is such an amazing achievement for me and this story!!! Thank you again for all the positive, encouraging comments. It means a lot! 

To celebrate, I will be telling this story using.... Emojis! Yay!

But you guys are here for one reason which is another oneshot. So... on with the Glorybringer!

Deathbringer really should've been paying more attention.

Morning sunlight shone through his leaf-covered window as Deathbringer rolled over in his bed and gradually woke up. ☀️He opened the window with an abnormal feeling that he was forgetting something. He stood up and immediately tripped over a scroll on the ground. Deathbringer suddenly realised that he had overslept. It was basically midday already.🌤

He left his hut and began down the Main Street of the NightWing village. The atmosphere was much quieter than usual. An eerie sense of emptiness was in the air, making him feel even more strange. Today was one of those days that Deathbringer knew was important but he couldn't quite put his claw on what was supposed to be happening. 

Deathbringer was beginning to feel like he was the only NightWing left in the Rainforest.🌴

Worried now, he took to the air 💨 and made his way to Glory's 👑 treehouse. She was always his main priority. It was his instinct to make sure she was alright.

Maybe there was a meeting in the RainWing village that involved the NightWings and Deathbringer just completely missed that notice. But then again, he was pretty sure that he would know if something like that was going on. What is wrong with me today?

He landed extra dramatically and gracefully on the Queen's balcony and went inside. He wasn't looking where he was going and collided with a tiny, colourful dragon. 🐉 

"Where have you been?" Kinkajou yelled at Deathbringer.

Slightly scared and utterly confused, Deathbringer asked, "What are you talking about? Was I supposed to be somewhere?"

Kinkajou burst out laughing😂  and rolled around on the floor until Deathbringer stood on her. "OW! Okay okay okay. Hehe I CAN'T BELIEVE you FORGOT!"

Deathbringer racked his brain🧠 , desperately trying to remember what he had forgotten. He was about to retaliate to Kinkajou when a loud roar🐯  erupted from the RainWing village square. Deathbringer shivered, fully alert🚨 . He lunged for the door to find out what was going on but the little, excited RainWing blocked his path.

"Don't lose your cool assassin, the tribes are having a 🎉 ! Everyone's there to celebrate 🎊 with Clay, Sunny, Tsunami, Starflight and Glory!" Kinkajou danced around him like a jumping jack.

Deathbringer was about to lose it. "Why?"

Suddenly footsteps 👣 came from the staircase behind him. Deathbringer spun around and immediately his heart skipped a beat. 💓 

Glory wore a crown of flowers💐 and an elegant 💍 cape of silver and gold. He couldn't help but stare in wonder😍. Glory would never get dressed up unless it was a special occasion. She looked at him, smiled 😀 and sighed 😏.

"Guess What Glory?" Kinkajou cried histerically, "Deathbringer forgot it was your birthday!"

Everything made sense now. Of course it was the Brightest Night! 🌙The NightWings weren't in the village because they were all attending the Brightest Night Party! 🎈 

Glory brushed past his shoulder and whispered with pink splashes 🌸 on her cheeks, "You are a really bad boyfriend💋." Then before he knew it she had gone back to the party.

What was that supposed to mean? Tonight was going to be a long night under the three moons.🌙🌙🌙 

"But I didn't get her a present," Deathbringer said.

"You can be her present 🎁!" Kinkajou giggled.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed.

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