No. 13 - Boyfriend Before New Year

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A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I'm gonna make this a Human AU, but still set in the Rainforest. 

I was initially going to post this on my main oneshots book but more of you read this. Prepare for a long chapter.

Hope you enjoy!

"Wouldn't it be nice to have it snow for once on New Years Eve?" Grandeur complained, helping Glory, Jambu and Kinkajou hang decorations. Jambu had made a massive banner which really tested his art skills. It wasn't a total trainwreck. It actually was probably the best thing he had accomplished all year. Glory had to hold the ladder for her half-brother as he hung it up because he was terrified of falling. When really, he was only a metre higher off the ground. 

"Are you saying you wanna live up north, where it's always freezing and miserable?" Glory asked, pushing her green and pink hair back behind her ear. New Years Resolution Number 1: get a haircut.

"And beautiful!" Kinkajou added, draping more than enough ribbons along the windows.

"So you'd rather hang out with people like Glacier and Icicle?" Glory asked.

"Oh... you have a point." Grandeur said. "But still, it would be nice to get away from this..." She never finished. 

Glory and her family were throwing a party later tonight, for New Years. They were inviting all their friends who live in the area (whether Glory liked it or not). There would be food, fun and ugh dancing. Orchid was apparently organising fireworks for midnight - well, the closest thing to fireworks, because of the whole 'rainforest fire ban.' They were lighting up the entire river with as many pretty colours they could think of, with a few fancy fountains or top it all off. New Years Resolution Number 2: convince the council to lift the fire ban.

Glory had to admit though, it was going to be awesome.


Deathbringer was pumped for tonight.

Not only would he be singing at the party - a duet with Qibli in fact -, it was the perfect opportunity to finally declare his love for Glory.

He could imagine how it was going to go; Everyone would be gathered around the river. Him and Qibli had just dramatically finished their awesome song. The crowd was cheering. Starflight would get  up and make a speech about how great the year has been. Glory would be standing near her friends - Sunny, Clay, Peril and Tsunami. He would step in and her pull her away for a moment. Then Starflight would start the countdown... 10... 9... Deathbringer would hold Glory's hands in his and whisper into her ear, loud enough to be heard over everyone's chatter, "I love you Glory." She would smile... 8... 7... 6... 5... and whisper back "I love you too, you big sap!" ... 4... they would lean in and share the most romantic, movie-style, incredible kiss ever... 3... 2... 1! Kinkajou  would press the button and the whole river would illuminate with gorgeous colours. Fountains would spray up from the forest floor and everyone would scream "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Ah, Deathbringer would hold Glory in his embrace and they would party on like that for the rest of the night!

"Deathbringer! Deathbringer!" Qibli's amused voice lulled him out of his thoughts. Deathbringer finally came back to his senses, microphone in hand, standing on a makeshift stage by the river. He realised he had been daydreaming during their rehearsal for tonight. "You missed your cue!"

"Oh, erm, don't worry Sand-Boy I don't need the practise anyway." Deathbringer grinned. "Plus, it looks like Tamarin wants to rehearse he song now, so we should probably wrap this up now." Tamarin was waiting by patiently. The boys had gone overtime anyway. It was only mid-day. He had a whole six hours to get performance ready.

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