Chapter 3

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{Mello's POV}

Matt has been gone for a week now, it's really beginning to worry me...But I guess then I can do something I've always wanted to do...I can hope he'll never find out. I got off the couch and headed outside, it was very sunny outside, god did I hate it. It made me  think of Matt and his bubbly, bright personality. Not that I really mind, he has other things to do, he said he would return as soon as he could. Unfortunately I had a few doubts in my mind as I walked along the street. Occasionally, I got some stares from people and people were muttering things to me...I didn't know why, maybe it was the way I dressed? Hah! It's not like I have any scars on my body so it can't be anything like that!

Gah! If Matt really cared for me, wouldn't he come back within a few days? Does he just not care for me? I continued to walk down the street when I saw a large building, I knew what this place was...But I didn't hesitate, I walked can guess what I did.

-3 years later-

"Damn it!" I said, clenching my fists. "You'd think he would have come to find me! But he hasn't!" I sat on the sofa, and ate some chocolate. I was now the leader of the Mafia, and I'm 18 now. Hah! Didn't think at my age I'd be the leader of a fucking Mafia, did you? Then you definitely underestimate me!

"Mello...Who is it that you're talking about?" Somebody asked me.

I gave him a stare. "That is none of your business."

Suddenly we heard a loud crash. I jumped up immediately and ran to some stairs, I called orders to some members and they went to do them. I ran up the stairs and into a large room. That's when I saw some men come into the room. I put a gas mask on and smirked. (I don't know what he did here, well...I can't remember...So let's just skip this part.)

There was smoke everywhere and a huge explosion. After a while the men had left. Then a bit ceiling fell on me. The side of my face, down my neck and onto my left shoulder burned like crazy and I laid on the cold, hard ground. Wondering if anyone would come for me...I hope Matt would, but I doubt he will...

{Matt's POV}

I regret it! I regret it so fucking much, okay?! I should never have left him for so long! Wait...that building is on fire! I immediately got into my car and drove over to it, as fast as I could. When I got there I immediately ran inside, parts of the ceiling fell down and it was full of smoke.

{Mello's POV}

I heard somebody coughing in the distance. Then I heard a deep voice. Matt! It was him, he came for me! He actually came for me...Does he still love me after all these years we've not seen each other? I hope he does...I hate him for leaving me...Yet I still love him...I heard him cough again and heard him walk up to me. He lived the part of stone off me and I saw him look down at me, he picked me up.

"M-Matt..." I said, shakily and breathlessly. "Y-You...came f-for me..."

"Of course I did...I'm so sorry for leaving you, Mells...Please, forgive me..." he said as he walked out the door, I smiled weakly.

"I-I" I said before I fell asleep in his arms.

{Third person P.O.V}

Matt carried Mello out into the street, coughing still, he put him in the car and drove off to his house as fast as he could, being careful not to go over to the speed limit.

Mello slowly opened his eyes.

"Mells. I'm taking you to the hospital," Matt said, he was about 5 minutes away from his house.

"N-No...I-I can't go to the hospital..." Mello replied, looking at Matt, he winced slightly at the pain he felt on the left side of his face.

"But...why?" He was now 2 minutes away from his house.

"I'm...I'm the leader of a fucking Mafia...Matt...i-if I go to the hospital...once I'm healed...they'd turn me into the...the police..." Mello said, he had slight fear and worry to his voice.

"I won't take you there then...I'll take you home." Matt said. Mello couldn't help but smile, then he winced again, feeling more pain in the side of his face. They got to their home and Matt carried Mello inside...How was he going to help him...?

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