Chapter 8

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A/N:  I know this will make you fangirl! I have literally got so many ideas! I hope you all enjoy!

{Matt's POV}

~1 year later~

We have finally saved up enough money for a wedding. Mello has been so excited for this, I have been too! Even Mandy is happy and she's only one! Haha, I'll stop rambling, you probably want me to get on with this, don't you? I won't hold back!

I stayed in the backroom with Near, L, Light and some other people I knew from Wammy's House. It was mine and Mello's wedding day and we were both so excited.

"Matt? Don't you think you should take your goggles off?" Near asked.

"Oh, yeah! I forgot I had them on, thanks Near!" Matt laughed and took his goggles off.

"No problem, Matt!" Near said, smiling.

I looked outside, we were having our wedding out in the sun, after all! My phone buzzed.


"Matt! Do I seriously have to wear a dress...?"

"Wait, who said you were?"

"Misa, Sayu and Daniella!" ((^^))

"Are you in it now?"

"Yeah, do I have to wear it..."

"I bet you look adorable, Mells. Just wear it, for me?"

"Oh okay, but only for you!"


"Okay,  see you soon, babe!"

"See you, love you."

"Love you, too!" He hung up.

I smiled.

{Mello's POV}

Matt wants me to wear a damn dress! Damn Daniella for picking it out! I can't get mad at her...She is Near's girlfriend... ((I KNOW YOU WILL FANGIRL!!))

"You look so cute!" Daniella said, putting some flowers in my hair. They were Red Roses, Matt's favorite.

"Daniella..." I said.

"Yah, Mello?" She replied, aranging them into a heart shape.

"Red Roses are Matt's favorite...Did you even know that?" I asked, looking at her. Her eyes showed no emotion and a faint smile came on her face.

"Yeah! I asked Matt what his favorite flower was and he said it was a Red Rose!"

"Oh," I smiled. "How's your relationship with Near?"

"It's going really good! Although we're only 14...we can't have kids or anything just yet!" She giggles.

"Yeah, you're much too young. Ryuzaki would flip!"

"Hehe, he would." She added some Rose's to my dress. "Done!"

I smiled. "'re actually really good at this kind of thing!"

"Thanks! My mom taught me before I left for Japan." She giggled.

I smiled at her. "Thanks, Danny."

Her eyes lit up. "You called me Danny!"

"You're like my little sister! And my best friend." I put my arms out and she giggles and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Hmm..." I pulled away from the hug, "What is your favorite flower?"

"A Yellow Rose or a Bluebell. I can't choose!" She smiled. "Why?"

"Sit down, Daniella." I said, she sat down and I curled her hair, it took me a little while, maybe about 10 minutes. I pulled twould boys from the side down infont of her. I added a Yellow Rose into her hair snd surrounded it with Bluebells.

She gasps. "It's so pretty!"

"Oh, I'm not that good."

"You are like my big brother!" She jumped into me and hugged me again. I smiled are new hugged her back.

"Matt is already waiting for us there, ready to go?" I let go. She nodded and ran out, Misa and Sayu following her.

I smiled and walked out the room.

{Third person P.O.V}

Mello walked out the room and gothe outside. L walked over. "You ready?"

Mello nodded slowly and walked down with L beside him. When they got to the arch, Matt smiled. L sathe down next to Daniella at the front.

"Have you written your own vows?" The priest says.

"I have." Mello said and looked at Matt.

He took his hands.

"It's crazy to think that we met in a park...And everything continued on from there. He began dating, and I've loved every moment we've spent together...But when I left for the Mafia...And I almost killed myself, you came for me. You saved me from my death...You took me to a chocolate place...And asked me to marry you! I couldn't believe it...But I was over-joyed. Then later on, we had a new edition to our family. Our beautiful daughter, Mandy...I love you Matt." The crowd cheered and clapped.

"Well...We did meet at the park and the look on your face when you first saw me, it made me light up inside. I knew instantly, that you were the one for me. When you left for the Mafia and I saw the building on fire...I knew it could have only been you that did it. My first instinct was to save you, Mells...And I regreted my past mistakes...But now let's put that behind us and live happily together along with Mandy and be a family." The crowd once again cheered and clapped.

~A little while later~

"Mello," The priest said, "Do you take Matt to be your lawfully wedded Husband?" Mello smiled.

"I do."

"Matt," He said again, "Do you take Mello to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Matt takes Mello's hands and kissed them.

"I do."

"You may now kiss."

The crowd cheered and stood up clapping as Mello and Matt shared a sweet little kiss. Matt pulled away and Mello smiled, he threw the flowers and he threw them directly at Daniella who caught them. He smiled at her and walked over. "Follow your dreams, Danny." He hugged her and then let go.

Near looked over to her and kissed her. L smiled, "I'm so happy for her..." Light kissed his cheek.

"I am, too."

~Later At The Wedding Meal~

Daniella tapped her glass with her spoon and stood up. Everyone looked in her direction.

"I'd like to say a few words about Matt and Mello."

Mello smiled and nodded at her, telling her to say.

"I've known Mello since we were little. We went too Wammy's House together and he was and little bitch half the time bit he was funny and when I felt sad, he would make me smile with his silly sense of humor. As for Matt, I've only known him for 2 months. I'm really glad my best friend has found someone he cares about...So...Congratulations on your marriage, boys!" Mello and Matt got off their seats and walked over to her, they gave her a big hug.

"Thank you, Danny..." Matt said as stopped hugging her. She walked back over to her table and hugged Near.

~Later When They're Finished~

They still had 2 hours before the party. And they decided to go outside for some fresh air.

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