Chapter 4

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{Mello's POV}

Matt had once again brought me to his house but this time to treat my burn...He wasn't a doctor! How the hell was he gonna treat a fucking burn?! I guess I should just let him do what he can...

{Matt's POV}

I took Mello inside and laid him on the sofa, he winced slightly at the pain he felt on the left side of his face. He sat up and I sat in front of him. I touched the side of his cheek, to see how bad it actually was but he turned his head to the side and winced again.  I sighed and walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboard. I searched around for some Ointment. I finally found some and walked back into the living room to Mello, he was sitting there, I could tell he wanted to cry but he didn't...Maybe because the salt in his tears would hurt the burn more...

"Matt...What the hell is that?" Mello asked me looking at the Ointment with a disgusted, yet kind of afraid expression.

"It's Ointment, Mello, it's going to help treat your burn." I said as I took some bandages out a drawer on the coffee table. "Mells, look at me." He slowly looked up, slight fear in his eyes.

"Whilst I'm treating your burn, could you tell me what happened?" I asked as he moved closer. He nods slowly. I smiled and started to put the Ointment onto the burn, he winced again.

{Mello's POV}

"Okay...I'll explain..." I said as Matt treated me. "I heard a loud bang when I was in a room with my men...Then I heard it again and got up, I ran to some stairs and gave some men orders...Then when I got to the top of the stairs, I entered the surveillance room...Then some men came into the room...I didn't know what I was supposed to do...So I put a gas mask on...then...I set off a Grenade...Some of the men died and some just left...Then that's when some concrete from the ceiling fell on me..." I sighed and looked at Matt. He had put a bandage over the left side of my face, down my neck and over my shoulder.

"Why set off a...Grenade, Mello...You could have died!" Matt said worriedly and took my hands in his. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died..."

"I'm...sorry...I was...scared, I didn't know what else to do! They were going to kill me...or take me in! What else was I supposed to do? Just surrender? I had a Grenade...Why not use it?" I said looking down.

"Mells..." he pulled me close and kissed me. I kissed him back, he pulled me to his lap and pulled away. "I...I can't loose you. Not to anyone. Not to anything. I was foolish to leave you for so long and I regret it so much...All those days I could have been spending with you...I love you, Mells, more than anyone I've ever known...I don't want you to go. Ever!"

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, Matty...I won't leave...Never ever..." I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

~Time skip a few months~

{Matt's POV}

December 13th...Mello is 19 today, but I don't know what I should get him, besides, he doesn't care about that sort of thing, his birthday doesn't mean anything to him, he just knows he is getting older and has more rights.

"Meeelllloooo!" I said sitting beside him on the sofa. "Happy 19th, Mells!" I hugged him tightly and smiled, I had the perfect plan.

"Wait...that's today?" He asked, eating some chocolate. He had no eye patch on nor any bandages...He was beautiful either way, nothing would change that. "Well...It's not important."

"Of course it is! You're growing older! We need to do something together to celebrate!" I smiled at him. He just looked at me with a little stare.

"And that is?" He was back to normal, thank god!

"I was planning on taking you out somewhere, you know, just to show you how much I love you, Mello." I said as he hugged me.

"Yeah, okay." He laughed and smiled at me. "Soooo, where are we going?"

"It's a surpriiisee~!" I smiled and he let go. I got off the sofa and went to get my car keys, and my cigarettes. He laughed at me and got up, we walked  to the door and put to the car. Mello got in and I got in after him. I then drove off into the street. Mello was eating chocolate again, it was like he had a limited supply of the damn stuff now! At least he's happy,  that's all that matters, I guess.

{Mello's POV}

Matt actually remembered my birthday, I'm rather surprised...Although he is my boyfriend, of course he would remember! I just sat in the passengers seat eating a chocolate bar and looked at Matt who had a cigarette in his mouth and was driving. I smiled, he never ceases to amaze me with everything he does...I'm curious...Why did he pick up smoking or alcoholism? I might ask him later but not right now...I don't want to set anything up. Matt arrived outside a large building with some letters on the wall, it said: Chocolate Heaven. I gasped loudly and Matt smiled.

"You love chocolate, why not bring you here?" Matt smiled as he got out the car, he opened my door for me and I got out. I put my chocolate bar wrapper in the bin and stared at the sign open mouthed. Matt walked over to me and took my hand. "Haha, you look so shocked about it."

"DUH! It's a place liked fully to fucking chocolate!" I exclaimed gripping his hand tightly, he chuckled slightly and walked inside with me.

{Third person P.O.V}

Matt and Mello walked inside Chocolate Heaven, Mello was extremely excited about being there. It was really chocolate everywhere. There was a huge chocolate fountain in the center of the room and there was chocolate bars and cakes everywhere. Matt took Mello upstairs and sat down there. It was right in front of a large window with a lovely view. Mello loved this so much, it was such a beautiful view. That's when Matt took his chance. He took a box out of his pocket and opened it, he looked at it. He took a deep breath.


"Yeah?" He turned to Matt.

Matt got up and kneeled down. He opened the box. "Will you...marry me?" He asked. Mello covered his mouth in shock and some tears fell down his face.

"Y-Yes!" Mello said as Matt put the ring on his finger, people around them clapped and cheered as Mello and Matt shared a kiss. Matt pulled away and sat beside him. "I-I love you, Matty..." he said as he hugged him tightly.

"I love you, too, Mells." Matt hugged him back and kissed his head. Then Matt ordered lots and lots of chocolate, from bars to ice cream and cakes. It was heaven for Mello. Absolute heaven.

Hello! My name is Rose and oh my fucking god...1201 words! I can't believe I wrote that much, sorry I took  so long to update but Matt proposed to Mello! I hope you enjoyed...Behold a large surprise in the next Chapter. I know you will love it, LilyMal11! I know you will! Thanks for reading, bye, bye!

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