15. Tattoos and Cardio

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Cris' POV

"Cryyyyyyyystaaaaaaal" Shane dragged out while stomping her foot.

"Yes babe?" I looked up from my laptop so that I could see her.

She stood pouting her lips and crossed her hands while staring down at me. We were in her room and it was late.

"Can you go get me some ice cream?" She stared me down with some puppy dog eyes and goddammit that's my baby and I just can't say no, it was a few blocks away wouldn't be a problem right?

"Babe, it's after 10 can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"Nope, I want it now" She jumped on me and started kissing my neck. UGH!

I jumped up and drew on some shorts, grabbed some money out of my wallet and headed outside. It was chilly as hell so I shouted for Shane to bring my jacket. I headed off out the block and down the street to get to the house that sells ice cream. I got there in less than 10 minutes, ordered the ice cream and headed back home with the cup cramping my hand.

"Bae, I got the cream." I headed into the kitchen to hand it to her but she just stared at me.

"That's not the flavor I wanted." She crossed her arms and gave me a mean ass face.

"Baaaaaaaabe come on, this is the flavor you ALWAYS get tho damn."

"Aiite, but that doesn't mean I want that flavor now."

"On God woman, what do you want then?"

"Strawberry pleeeeease."

I rolled my eyes and went back through the door. Oooooo she gets me so mad sometimes, like eat the fucking ice cream that I bought nigga DAMN! I was fuming, I didn't even see the guys sitting on the wall.

"Pst, browning." I held my head straight.

"Browning! Yuh nah ansa?"

"Me wonder if she see how much a we out ya? Why she a ignore we? She nuh know seh we will fuck the sadamite outa har?"

Ahh hell naw, I ain't up for this shit to be honest. I was scared out my wits that I fucking stopped in the middle of the goddamn road thinking what I was about to do next. I always keep my 5 star on me but I ain't ever used it before so I wouldn't know what the hell to do.

"Oh so a now yuh wah stop? Gweh ol sadamite gyal."

I started moving off, "we never tell yuh fe move doe."

I continued walking without looking behind me, I though that if someone was behind me I would sense it. They didn't move from the wall either.

I continued walking to go get the ice cream, my fingers shaking and my voice raspy. When I got there I ordered the ice cream and dipped out. I knew the guys were gonna still be there so I decided to run with my coward ass. What can I say? Coward man keep sound bone.

Once I got closer to them, I heard them shouting that I was coming back. So I did exactly what I said I was gonna do; I ran. I heard laughing behind me but I didn't stop until I got to mu block and turned in. The door was open and Shane was standing there biting her fingers.

"OMG babe, I was so worried about you. Why you breathing so heavy? You were running? Who running you down? Why you took so long though?"

I held her hand and placed the ice cream in her hand and with a shaky voice I asked,"you happy now?"

She smiled and that settled my thoughts and pounding heart, I was safe.


I watched Julio dance and sing her heart out in front of the tv in the living room. I was so happy watching her it made my heart melt until I saw Cris walking in holding her chest while heaving. I rushed behind her into Shane's room to grab her pumps and medication.

"Cris what's wrong?" I asked with a panicked expression on my face.

"Just another episode, get me some water and i'll be fine."

I rushed out the room with Julio hot on my trail asking what's wrong. I was confused and rushing that the cup I was holding fell from my hands.


Julio bent down to pick up the pieces while telling me to get another cup for the water. I finally got the water and ran back to Crystal, she was sitting up waiting on me with Shane by her side eating ice cream.

"Where's mine?" I asked while handing the water to Cris.
Shane pushed her nose up and said, "Can you see it? I'm sure it's up there just look closer."
"You so damn childish," I rolled my eyes at her and watched her stick her tongue out at me.

Cris was looking better, her face wasn't purple anymore which means she has calmed down.
"Hey man, get some rest aiite? I want you to follow me somewhere tomorrow."
Cris smiled at me and I went in for a hug. I'm so happy she's still here with me. It's been awhile since she got out of the hospital and hasn't been back since. I started school and we all decided it didn't make sense for Cris to start with me even though this was our life plan; I had to live with it.
I walked out of the room and into Julio's arm.
"You ok babe?"
"Yeah, everything's good." I grabbed my girlfriend's hand and dragged her to our room. My mom allowed me to stay here during the week since Julio could drop me to school. She still complains that we don't spend enough time with her and Dari but I love the time I get away from her and I go there to see my lil bro some weekends, I even pick the lil bugger up from school every evening because the pre school is right next door.
It was a Friday night though and I've been complaining about school and lack of sex since Monday morning. MOB (Management Of Business) class was stressing as hell and not to mention POB (Principles of Business) I had some sheets to draft up for homework but that can be done after I get some loving from my girl.

I led Julio into the room and stripped naked. I stared her down and said, "your turn."
She stripped naked and pulled me in for a kiss. It was passionate and it was much needed. She led me to the bed and told me to lie on my stomach, I watched her walk over to the nightstand where we keep the baby oil and knew that I was gonna get that massage I had requested from Monday night. My lazy ass starts complaining every Monday evening right on time as I set foot in the car before she can get her hello kiss I'm already rambling about how stupid school is. It's an oppressor, it cramps creative minds taking away our freedom and mental rights..

"Babe, oh my god can you like not over think right now? I can see the worry lines creasing your forehead and I can just imagine your thoughts rambling on and on about oppression and the government."

"Mortal you know me so well, now get to it young padawan."

She laughed while coming over me to set in a comfortable position to give me the massage. It was heaven when her warm hands touched my skin, all I could think about is  how much I love her and how life would suck without her. She applied pressure where necessary and I could feel between my legs getting moist. I hadn't realized that music was playing in the background, I could hear Jorja Smith seducing my ears. The feeling was a bliss and I think I could cum without her even touching me.
"Babe, are you ok?"
"I'm doing just fine, excellent actually. Does this massage has a happy ending?" I smiled up at her and died when she winked at me.
"Anything for my baby."

"Guys, why are you still asleep?" I heard Cris' voice and then I felt her. She jumped on the bed between us and I started crying. I was so peaceful until she came in.

"You murderer, you murdered my sweet peaceful dream." I hurled out at her while tossing the pillow. Cris doubled over with laughter and I could tell she was getting excited from all this.

"Dawg, did Shakespeare kiss you with his lips of literature in your dreams?" She made kissing noises and I cried even louder and in return she laughed even louder.
I knew Julio had gone to the bathroom because I saw when she moved.

"So weh yuh have planned for today? Remember I gotta collect my medication at 1." Cris said into my neck since she was cuddling me. I cuddled her back and told her everything except that I was planning on carrying her to get a tattoo.

"Sounds excitingly boring." Cris yawned out. "I'm gonna go get dressed though."
I watched my best friend moon walked out of the room and smiled to myself holding my head feeling like the luckiest person alive right now.

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