Vanessa, an otherwise mischievous little sprout, is trapped in her own home. The worst part is, is that she can leave almost whenever she wants, but eventually, she has to return.
Who said homes were a place of refugee? Certainly someone who didn't understand people like Venessa. Her home was anything but inviting.
If the neighbors were any closer, then she was sure that they could here the shouts and smell the alcohol.
Finally, when a passerby gets suspicious of the strange home one day on his daily walk, e investigates. Harmless stares and curious glances at first. Then, he see Venessa walking out the door just as she's putting on her sweater.
What does he see? Big splotches of blue and yellow, like messy paint brushes stroking her skin. They were ugly and dark.
The only thing he could think of was saving her, but how?
Story Ideas
FantasyEach chapter is an idea for story. Please comment for which ones I should make into actual books or short stories.