The Runaway

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"Just wait, next year, we'll be on another tour!" Liam exclaims, excitedly.

Zayn, Louis, and Niall smile widely. Probably thinking about tour next year. I mean, it was great we would be going on another tour, but couldn't we ever stop and take a break for once?

I give a small smile to the rest of the boys and just awkwardly nod.

"Is something wrong, bud? Normally you're all talk and we can never get you to shut up. Now, you're the anti of it." Louis says as he pats my shoulder.

I shake him and my thoughts off, "It's nothing, I'm just really tired." Tired of everyone and everything.

Being on these last few tours have been incredibly surreal. Don't get me wrong on that. It's just, fame has completely changed my life. I never know if I have any real friends, besides the lads, and I never know if anyone is around because they want to be with me or just so they can say they're friends with the Harry Styles.

One Direction has been the best thing to ever happen to me, but I wish I could take a break from my famous life. To be a regular guy and sit down and talk about anything would be great. I wish I could sit down with someone and ask a bunch of silly questions just to see where our conversation will go. It would be different from an interview. More like an interview for normal people. People always say I'm a normal person with an abnormal job, but I wonder if they only tell me that to make me feel good about myself?

Maybe it's time I give myself a little vacation. Away from the fame, and away to just be a normal guy for once.

We were sitting on the tour bus, driving back to the airport. Everyone was gathering their belongings, and getting ready to be at the airport; to make our way home.

As we arrive at the airport, we all say our goodbyes. The lads said their goodbyes to one another, and finally came along to me.

"Bye, Haz. I'll see you again, soon!" Niall says as he's hugging me. The guys say their goodbyes to me and head off their own ways.

"Harry, you need to hurry or your going to miss your plane." Paul informs me as he catches me wandering around.

I nod my head. Maybe I can catch another flight. Maybe I can go somewhere else.

"You go on without me, I'll catch up as soon as I can." I smile to Paul.

Paul gives me a suspicious look, but he ends up going off his own way. I look around, trying to see if I can get an idea. I don't have to go home, now do I? I can start my little vacation now.

I walk up to the front of the airport, where you can buy your ticket.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady smiles at me.

I give a friendly smile back, "Hi, um, when is the soonest plane that'll go to Seattle, Washington?"

The lady looks through the listings on her computer, "The soonest plane leaves in twenty minutes."

I smile, "I would like one ticket to Seattle, please."

"Most certainly." The lady smiles. I hand her the money, and she hands me my plane ticket.

I sit down on a chair, waiting for my plane to be called. I pull out my phone and go on Twitter. I guess this could be my last time I can tweet as Harry Styles. I click the new tweet button, and start typing: "A new start should be nice. xx"

"Flight 25 to Seattle, Washington now boarding." A person says over an intercom.

I stand up, putting my phone in my pocket. I start walking and I realize, this can be the last time I'm Harry Styles. Once I step on that plane and land in Seattle, I will become a new person.

I'm ready for a new beginning.

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