Chapter Six

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I get off work and see I have a missed call from Niall. Why would Niall be calling me now?

As soon as I make it home, I decide to call him back. If he was calling now, Zayn must have told him about talking with me two nights ago.

I guess I can't really be mad with Zayn. When someone goes missing and you talk with them again just about a year later, you'd get hyped up about it and tell someone.

Niall could be a big mouth at times, but I knew if Zayn told him to keep this on the DL, Niall would keep his mouth shut.

"Hello?" I say as the phone gets answered.

"Harry?" The familiar Irish voice asks.

"Yes, Niall, it's Harry." I say, rather quietly. There wasn't any need to say it quietly, since nobody was with me.

"I can't believe you're still on the face of this planet!" Niall laughs.

I let out a small laugh, scratching the back of my neck, "It's been weird since I left, hasn't it?"


The other side of the line becomes dead silent. Had Niall hung up?

I take off my shoes, jacket, and apron before walking into the kitchen. I was hungry, so might as well make myself something to eat while I'm on the phone.  

"Niall, you still there?"

"Harry," Niall starts, "You don't know how much your disappearance has effected all of us, not in a good way either."

"How so?" I ask, worriedly.

"To be honest, we've all gotten a lot quieter without you. Zayn picked up the smoking a lot more now from being worried, Liam keeps to himself a lot--same for me--and Louis, we hardly see him anymore." Niall explains.

I bow my head down in disappointment. The effect I made isn't all too bad, but Zayn, with the smoking getting worse. I didn't think I'd made such an impact on their lives. Maybe I am worth more than I thought I was.

"Wow." Is all I manage to say.

"'Wow' is right, m'friend." Niall says.

"So what, did you call me just to make me feel bad?" I ask, in a rather harsh tone. I didn't mean to sound close to rude at all, especially with Niall. I guess all of this just got me really worked up.

"No," Niall says sternly, "I called because I want to go with Zayn on Friday. But, I wanted to ask you if that was okay?"

I nod my head, "Yeah. That'd be fine. Sorry about sounding rude, I didn't mean to. Just talking with you guys again and taking in all this information is getting me all worked up."

Niall chuckles, "It's fine, bro."

"Okay," I run my hand through my hair, "So, you'll be coming with Zayn?"

Niall laughs, "That's what she said."

I manage to let out a laugh, "We were supposed to be having a serious conversation, you child."

"Child? Is that the best "insult" you can give me?" Niall chuckles.

I laugh again, "Right now, yes."

"But yes, I will be traveling with Zayn to Seattle. And with Perrie as well." Niall becomes serious again.

Perrie? I never said anything about letting Zayn bring Perrie along with him.

"Wait, did you say Perrie?"

Yes sir, I did. When Zayn told me about talking with you, Perrie was there with us. She asked if she could tag along because she misses you as well." Niall explains.

"How many people miss me?" I ask.

"Me, the lads, Perrie and the rest of Little Mix, your mum, Gemma, your stepfather, Simon, may I go on?" Niall explains, again.

I sigh, "Please, say no more. Well, I have to get going Niall, it was nice chatting with you again."

"Same to you, too, Harry. See you on Friday."

"See you on Friday, Niall. Bye." I hang up the phone.

"Troy?" I hear a familiar voice behind me.

I turn around see Dakota. Damn. Did she hear all of my conversation with Niall just now?

"Dakota! Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask, worriedly.

"You said we should hang out when you get off work." She takes her jacket off and sets it down, giving me a confused look.

"Oh," I say, "How long have you been here?"

Dakota completely avoids the question, "Troy, is there something you haven't been telling me? Something I should know?"

"What could you possibly be talking about? I tell you everything." I softly laugh, trying to cover up my nervousness.

"Oh, never mind." Dakota shakes her hand and goes to sit on my couch.

I knew she had to of heard my phone call with Niall. She knows I'm Harry Styles. I can't confess to her yet. I'll tell her after I meet up with Zayn, Niall, and Perrie on Friday.

Hopefully this would all go down well and Dakota won't treat me any differently after I tell her.

I hope this all runs smoothly.


A/N - So, I decided to give an early update.. you guys deserve it! There will be another update on Monday! I will still TRY to stick with updating on Mondays and Thursdays. :)

& Sorry for this being a short chapter.. it is a filler chapter and it sorta leads up for the next chapter!

I hope y'all have a wonderful Friday!! :)

- Savannah. ♡

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