Chapter Two.

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I woke up this morning to a phone call. Instead of the sounds of the city, or of the weather, but a phone call.

I look to my phone, and really, I couldn't believe the name I was seeing. Zayn.

Zayn was trying to contact me. After two years, he's tried getting ahold of me. Out of all the boys, Zayn was the only one who didn't bother calling or texting me; until today.

I set my phone down, I let it ring until it decides to stop. A couples minutes after the ringing stopped, a got a notification saying that I had a voicemail. Should I even bother to listen to it? Having a curious mind, I do listen to it.

Voicemail from Zayn:

Harry? You there? Well, I know it's been awhile since we've spoken. Hell, I don't think we'll ever speak again if this isn't your number anymore. Honestly, I've taken it very hard since you left. Did me, or the boys, do something wrong? We really do miss you, Harry. But, I wanted to let you know that my wedding, with Perrie, will be in four to five months. I hope you come back in time to be there. It'd be nice to have all my favorite lads there. Talk to you soon, Harry. Hopefully.

Then the voicemail ends there. As much as I didn't want to head back to famous life, I wanted to go to Zayn's wedding. Even after leaving and never returning, Zayn said I was still one of his favorite lads. Even after so long of being gone, Zayn still considered me a best friend. And to that, it made me feel like rubbish.

Zayn still, and will always have, the biggest heart. No matter what happens, that boy will still care for you. He's not one to really hold a grudge. If anything, I'm lucky he called me. For all I know, he could be the only one in the band who still doesn't hate me. The other lads might hate me. I wouldn't blame them, though.

How was I going to handle this? Go to the wedding, have a day with the lads, then leave again as if nothing happening. The thing is, though, I wouldn't be able to leave again. The paps will be dicks and end up at the wedding. They'll notice I'm there, and it will spread worldwide instantly. I'd return back to Harry Styles.

I didn't want that. I want to keep my friends, but I want to stay as Troy. This is seriously going to be a bitch to debate over for myself. If only I could tell Dakota, she would help me out. I can't tell her, though. If she found out I'm actually Harry Styles, she might treat me differently. That's something else I don't want. Now I have two things to debate about for myself. Tell Dakota I'm Harry Styles, or don't; go to Zayn's wedding, or stay here.

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