Chapter Seven

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I put my jacket on and looked myself over in the mirror. I wanted to make sure I look decent before I go to pick everyone up at the airport.

It's been over a good year since I've last seen Zayn, Niall, and Perrie. I'm wondering how all of this is going to go down.

I get to my car and drive off to the airport. It would take me a little over 30 minutes, more or less, to get to the airport; that would depend on if the traffic is good to me or not.

As I'm driving to the airport, I can't stop thinking about Dakota. I'm going behind her back to meet up with Zayn, Niall, and Perrie. I haven't told her I'm Harry Styles. We can trust each other, but deep down I feel as if I can't trust her with this secret.

Would she blab it off to the world that she's dating one of the most famous guys ever? Would she start to only like me for the stuff? So many questions ran through my mind and I couldn't shake them off. That was until my phone started to ring.

I parked my car in the parking lot before answering, "Hello?"

"Harry, where are you at?" Perrie asks over the phone.

"I just got to the airport. I'll come inside to get you guys right now." I say before hanging up the phone.

I walk into the airport and look around for Perrie and the guys. I spot two blondes.

"Perrie! Niall!" I shout, a little too loud.

Paps are instantly swarming around them. I make my way to them and it's hard to get to them.

I wasn't capable of reaching them, but I noticed a few paps moving out of the way. Paul and another security guard were escorting Perrie and the lads to the entrance.

I caught up with them, and I guess you could say Paul didn't recognize me. I nearly fell to the ground before I could say 'hello' to Zayn.

"Woah Paul, it's me," I pause, trying to say this as quietly as I can, "it's me ... Harry."

"Harry?" Paul repeats. I nod my head at him.

I was immediately squeezed into a tight hug.

I hug Paul back, "Good to see you, too, buddy." Honestly, I can't lie and say I didn't miss Paul, because in all seriousness I missed this man like you won't believe.

Paul is like the father of One Direction. We may say that Liam is "Daddy Direction", but Paul is the real Daddy Direction here.

"I let you slip away once, I'm definitely not letting that happen again." Paul says, a few tears streaming down his cheeks.

I wipe away the tears that almost escape my eyes, "Ah, don't cry, you're making me almost cry,"

Paul and I just let out a good laugh after that.

"Hate to break this unforgettable moment, but we need to get going before paparazzi catch up to us." Perrie softly laughs.

"Agreed," I say, "Let me show you to my car."


"Woah," Niall looks around in awe, "You've got a nice place and a nice car, what else do you have that's awe worthy?"

I smirk, "My girlfriend."

Perrie gasps, "You have a girlfriend? I want to meet her. Always great making new friends!"

Zayn laughs, "Calm down, babe."

I sigh, "You can't meet her until I can tell her my secret."

Everyone looks at me with confusion.

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