Chapter 13:

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Justin's POV:

I jammed the key into the lock and opened the slick wooden door.

I made my way upstairs and the closer I got the louder the fits of giggles got.

I  smirked as I saw Al covering her laughs with her hand as she stared at her laptop screen.

She scrolled down some, and in seconds the room erupted in laughter.

I chuckled as she began pointing at the screen, while she threw her hair back laughing.

I smiled to myself as I made my way to 'my room'. I shut the door closed quietly as I took off my shirt leaving me with just basketball shorts.

I replaced my old socks to new ones and shivered as a breeze hit me.

It was freezing outside and inside.

I jumped on the big hard mattress, just how I like it.

I snuggled Into the covers and soon I was dead asleep. •••••Alexis's POV••••• Ok that's enough, I finally scolded myself.

I shut my laptop and turned my lamp on; making me flinch and my eyes burned.

I blinked a few times before my eyes accustomed to the bright light.

Damn is it cold or is it just me?

I need big fuzzy blankets!

Yup yup.

I strolled down the staircase and searched through all the closets.

When I couldn't find it I gave up.

I opened the fridge and saw the stacks up Monster energy drinks that weren't there yesterday.

I sighed as I opened a can up and took a quick sip.

When the taste of disgusting didn't come I took another sip, this time longer.

It actually tasted really good.

Soon the can was empty and i was tapping the bottom of it while it was upside down to see where the liquid went.

Why is it so cold?

Wait I remember!! I hopped all the way upstairs and slammed Justin's door open.

His scent hit my nose and my eyes fluttered. He smelled really good.

My eyes searched for his closet and in seconds I was jumping up and down trying to reach the blankets.

When my right hand finally grasped the soft material, I fell with it too.

It's not how I fell.

It's where I fell.

And I fell right on Justin's stomach.

I giggled as I got up and unsurprisingly failed.

Guess I can't do a sit up anymore.

"Al why the fuck are you here"

"I dunno" I giggled. "Are you high?"

"I dunno"

I could feel Justin sitting up underneath me and my head was now on his lap.

I opened my eyes and look up at him.

He looked down at me and gave me a blank stare. "You look hawt" I giggled. "What the fuck?" He groaned. "That's a bad word Drew" I scolded him.

"Your voice sounds sexy" I complimented.

Justins Pov:

"Umm thanks" I replied. Was she seriously on drugs.

Alexis sat up and got under my covers.

Yup, she was on drugs. "Al this is a serious question ok? Did someone offer you something?" I could see her shaking her head under the covers. "What did you eat or drink" "That thing in the refrigerator. It's like black and neon green. It's called Moo I think." What the fuck.

I lay back down and my eyes widened when I could feel Al's frame hugging me.

She literally was on top of me.

Her head  lay on top of my chest and her legs were on top of mine.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her up so her face was in front of mine.

What the hell did she drink? "Al talk" "Quack quack" she began a giggling fit.

I chuckled and I recognized a familiar scent.

I flipped her over and ignored her chuckles.

She had chocolate brown eyes, and her matching brown her was up in a bun.

Al was pretty, very pretty actually. "I'm cold" she whined.

I rolled me eyes and  completely put all my weight on her.

She groaned in pain before she began getting comfortable.

She then began playing with my hair, which was really relaxing. "You smell really good" she told me for the millionth time.

I chuckled as I looked up at her.

She looked adorable.

She didn't look 'bang-able'. She looked so innocent, which she fuckin was.

Before I could react she planted a kiss on lips.

She quickly pulled away before beginning to chuckle.

I flipped us over so she was on top of me.

I leaned in and my lips connected to hers.

She has soft lips.

Our kiss was sloppy, but not bad.

I knew I was her first kiss and I clearly didn't give a damn.

I re-connected our lips and took the lead.

Soon she began getting the hang of it and that's when I asked permission to snake my tongue in.

When she accepted I instantly recognized the taste ; Monster. "Monster" I pulled away.

"Where" and with that she took off running.

I ran down the stairs chasing her down and I found her taking another energy drink from the fridge. "Al no!" I yelled as I tried to reach her.

Too late.

She ran into the bathroom locking me out. "Al come out now" I ordered as I started banging on the door. "Nah I'm good" I could here her sipping it.

Ok how do I get a nerd to stop drinking an energy drink... "You know how many calories that drink has?" "I don't care" "You know how many cavities that can give you?" "How many" "Umm a lot" "Really?" "Umm yea" "YOLO"

Did she really just say that.

I was surprised when the door opened and there ,barely standing, stood a very high-looking Alexis... She handed me the empty can and took off running.

Ok.. Caffeine is not aloud in the house.

It took an hour, but at 3am I finally found Al passed out in my bed.

I groaned as I covered her up and lay beside her.

She instantly cuddled next to me and dug her face into my neck.

I felt warm with her in my arms.

Too  bad this could never ever happen again, and she knew that.

I don't have relationships.

They're pointless and stupid.

I wrapped my arms around her face and looked up at the ceiling.

Why is my life so fucked up. "Hmmm you smell hella good" she said

I chuckled as I kissed her forehead.


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