Chapter 18:

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Justin's POV:

"Justin look!" Al pointed at Micky Mouse.

There was about 2 families waiting in line to take a picture.

Without even having the time to respond to her, my arm was yanked and we were making our way towards him. "Oh my god Brian look!" I could here Zoe gasp. Within seconds they were behind us.

I swear Al and Zoe are identical. "They're-"

"I know" I cut him off.

The girls began talking about how they need to take the perfect picture and what was their pose gonna be.

Brian and I just rolled our eyes and went with it.

After approximately 3 minuets Al and Zoe were on each side of Micky and kissing his nose.

I could tell Micky was a little interested on both Al and Zoe when he wrapped each arm around their waists an pulled them to him.

Oh fuck no.

In a dash I was right next to Al and Brian was right next to Zoe.

We wrapped out arms around them and smiled for the 3 pic. "Ok next" the photography guy yelled out after handing Zoe a card thing.


Alexis' POV:

"So you and Justin, y'all going out?" "I don't have a clue" "So y'all making out and sleeping in the same bed and-" " I get it Zo! haha I don't really know. I mean it looks and feels like he likes me, but he's a player, womanizer, in simpler terms, he's a douche" I whispered back at her. "So you and Brian huh?" "Nahh. I'm not his type"

"Gurl, what chu mean?" "He's too good for me.

He's the kind of guy you

would want your parents to

meet...but I'm not the type of

girl he would take home to meet

HIS parents. " "I -" "Al, Zoe! Over her" Justin yelled as he began making a line for a roller coaster thing.

Zoe began chuckling before she made her way towards Brian.

I followed Zoe and tried to keep

my distance from Justin. I don't

wanna be a whore and make out

with guys that I'm not dating. It's

just not me.

I took a glance at Justin and his eyes were fixed on me. He knew me so well.

We waited about 20 mins standing in line and made conversation about random subjects.

We even started having a conversation with the guys behind us.

There was a blonde girl that really began irritating me. Her eyes were staring at Justin like he was her prey.

With ms.blondy came 3 guys who's names were Max, Jayson, and Nick.

And let me tell you, they were all fine especially Jayson.

He had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He was wearing a muscle tee and hot damn.

Nick was blonde and had green eyes, he was fit and he seemed to be the shy one.

Max had black hair and brown eyes.

His hair was curly and he was built.

He looked like your average football player.

Jayson was the bad boy, Nick the sweetheart and Max the jock.

They had sort of a clique going on.

I adverted my eyes to Blondy who's name I unfortunately found out was Olivia. Of course her eyes were locked to Justin.

She was beautiful, which I detested the most about her.

I felt someone staring at me.

Looking up, I found out it was

Jayson ; the bad boy.

He was smirking at me eyeing me up and down.

I felt like a toddler with my Minny mouse outfit, but it didn't seem to bother him. "Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle and have a nice ride" the lady said seating us.

There was 8 seats in the car thing and of course

Justin and Olivia got to seat in the back.

Jayson and I infront of them,

Zoe and Brian  in front of us ,

and nick and max infront of them.

The rollercoatser was amazing.

I gripped on the bar infront of us admiring how fast it went when a hand was placed on top of mine.

I knew it was jaysons  and ignored it.

I continued to scream along with everyone else and had a blast.

When I could see the flash from the previous carts I knew our picture would be taken.

Another cheek was pressed ontop of mine and I looked At jayson holding a piece sign with a his tongue out.

I did the same pose and our picture was taken.

I laughed and enjoyed the remainder of the ride. - "Oh my god!" I began laughing as I saw the picture that was taken. "Your face!" I said pointing at it. "Look at yours!" He pointed out and began laughing.

I continued laughing and my eyes scanned through everyone's poses.

Zoe's head was on Brian's shoulder and he winked at the camera.

Max and Nick were both holding middle fingers up with their tongues out.

Jayson and I's cheeks were pressed against each others and we were sticking out our tongues while holding piece signs.

Justin's and Olivia's....

She was clutching on his shirt like she was scared and she held a big smile.

Justin's eyes were closed but his smile showed it all.

He looked genuinely happy, which made me angry.

But he looked adorable. "I'm gonna buy it" I announced as I made my way to the counter.

My eyes locked to Justin and Olivia which were both pointing at each other's faces laughing.

They barely know each other and they're acting like a couple and stuff...

I purchased the pic and made my way back to guys.

We made our way outside and continued walking.

I went to go with Justin, but when I found him and Olivia interlocking  fingers, I lost it.

I admit I was jealous. Really jealous.

Somehow I found myself hand in hand with jayson.

I found Justin glaring at our interlocked hands and I felt like I was cheating.

I let go of his hand and walked in front of everyone.

I grabbed my Canon Camera and excluded myself from the group.

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