Chapter 10

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Kathryn's POV:

I rushed home trying to avoid traffic and red lights before reaching my house. I slammed my car door before running up the stairs to my room, luckily no one was at home. Being an only sibling has its perks.

I walked into my room and peeked out my window to find Ethan studying, his facial expression gave off that the work was pretty simple so I decided to go outside. I opened the door mentally hoping he couldn't hear me from his room, he could.

He gave me a confused stare but still smiled at me until he saw my dry tears, he quickly got out of his room and jumped over to my balcony.

"What's wrong? I thought you were out with your friends." His face was plastered with worry, it was then that I realised should I tell him what Grayson did to me or not. They're brothers, they're closer than Ethan and me, would telling him ruin their bond. I didn't want to do that.

"Oh um nothing, my friend just sent me a sad video." He gave me a look knowing that I was lying before putting his hands up and jumping back to his room.

"Whatever it is please tell me, you've done so much for me I just want to help return the favour." If only you could Ethan if only you could.

We spent the rest of the evening completing our homework before I went across to his room where he was tutoring me, we had books scattered around and popcorn which was mostly thrown by me.

While we were studying Grayson entered the room smiling, "Hey bro, you won't belie... Oh hey Kathryn." He rubbed his neck nervously waiting for Ethan's response. I rolled my eyes before going back to my work, Ethan looked at me confused but I just shrugged him off.

"Hey Gray, what's up?" He looked between the two of us.

"I'll just come and tell you later, BYE!" He ran out of Ethan's room.

"That was strange, I'll go talk to him." Ethan left the room, I finally got the chance to punch whatever was closest to me. Turns out it was the wall and ouch that hurt like hell.

"THAT JERK!" I whispered in pain hoping that no one had heard me until I heard someone running into the room.

Turns out it was Grayson, "What do you want, haven't you already ruined my life already."

He turned red before chuckling, "Me ruining your life, darling I haven't even started yet." He then walked out of the room feeling a sense of pride while I on the other hand just jumped over to my room and locked the windows shut before lying down and crying.

Was my life honestly getting better?

My phone suddenly started buzzing non-stop, I picked it up to find Ethan texting me.

Ethan: Kathryn are you ok?

Ethan: Why did you disappear?

Ethan: I guess I'll drop off your books tomorrow, goodnight!

I smiled knowing that at least someone cared about me. I decided to shut off my phone and go off to sleep.

Ethan's POV:

I left the room to go talk to Grayson only to find his room empty, I sighed annoyed and decided to go back to my room only to find it empty and Kathryn's balcony door locked. I was confused and worried wondering what happened but I decided to let it go and go to sleep.


Kathryn's POV:

I woke up earlier than usual as I wanted to skip the twins, I decided to walk as I needed to clear my mind. I went downstairs hoping to find my mum but was left with a note.

Hey honey,

Your dad and I have a business trip in Canada for a month, Mrs Dolan will come and check up on you from time to time.

Love you!

I grumbled in annoyance before tearing the paper and throwing it in the bin, this was not the first time they did this. They always missed out on the important parts of my life because of work but I'm grateful that I get to live in this environment thanks to them.

I made a sandwich before exiting and I plugged in my headphones.

A few minutes later I reached school and walked up to my locker only to find Ethan standing next to it with a sad look on his face when he saw me he started to smile and waited for me to arrive.

"KATHRYN WHERE WERE YOU! I thought I did something which made you left." I looked at him in shock, why would he blame himself for something that he wasn't involved with.

"Ethan I'm fine, I just needed to clear my mind. My parents left for another month so I guess you can come over to my house for a sleepover." His smile slowly started to fade away.

"About that, even though my mum is taking care of you she still hates the thought of us together. Maybe we can work on your work at school to prove to her you're not just a player." Not going to lie that slightly stung but I was used to the criticism, especially from his parents.

We then decided to walk to class which unlucky for me was PE which meant I had both the twins, hopefully nothing bad was about to happen.

We entered the changing rooms and I already began to hear snickering from the populars, my friends came by my side and told them to fuck off before turning around. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey hottie what's up." My friend Cate asked, even though our friend group wasn't that close we always had each other's backs.

"Just the usual, the populars being dicks to me."

"We'll all stick together, ok girls." They all nodded and I smiled gratefully, it meant a lot knowing that I wouldn't suffer.

We left the changing rooms only for me to trip over some balls which were left laying around, I quickly got up and dusted myself off only to find Grayson smirking at me.

Ethan rushed to me asking if I was ok but I ignored him and continued walking.

Class started and the boys were against the girls playing volleyball.

Oh Grayson you won't know what has hit you...

Is this story getting worse? Should I end it?

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