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It is a windy Monday morning in Magnolia. The sky is clouded with grey and the sun is hiding, away from the human eye.

I was lying down on my bed. My bed that was once all white, now has red spots all around.

I was holding my razor that was rusted.

I put the razor on my wrist and pressed down slightly until the door opened to reveal my little sister.

I quickly covered the razor with my hand to stop her from seeing the metal object.

"Hey big bro" She started. "Do you want dinner?"

"No Wendy, I'll be fine" I answered the blue headed girl in front of me.

Wendy nodded her head and left while closing the door behind her.

I proceeded to do what I was doing earlier. I was skilled at cutting deep, but not deep enough to kill me.

I would be lying if I said I didn't want out of this world. But I must leave for Wendy. She is the only reason I'm alive.

After some time my wrist was bloody.

I know if Wendy sees this, she'll freak.

Wendy is my only family member left after my mother died and my father abandon us.

I went to the bathroom that was conveniently in my room.

I hissed at the feeling of the water touching my cuts.


I turned off the water and turned around to see my sister once again.

"Hey, I heard there's a new student going to your school" Wendy announced.

"More people to gossip, yay!" I said with a sarcastic tone.

Wendy rolled her eyes. "I don't think she's like that, my friend Michelle said it was her sister. Her sister went to sabertooth high, but after sometime she wanted to go to FairyTail high"

I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my pink hair. "Yeah, Whatever" I then kicked her out of my room and changed into sweatpants. I removed my shirt and feel asleep.

'I bet this new kid is going to be a pain' I thought to myself as I feel asleep.

"Good night" I heard a small voice say as the door opened and then immediately closed afterwards.

"Night" I muttered as I let the darkness in my room consume me.

The darkness is what I know best. The shadows call to me.

Because that is what I am.

A shadow weaver.....

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now