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We've been walking through the forest for what feels like forever.

The more we walk the more complaining I want to do. But I know we are doing this for Lucy so I will endure the pain. Knowing Flare, Lucy is going through more pain then us.

The whole team was in front of me. I was slightly trailing behind because I was thinking about our plan. It's not the most reliable plan but I think it's going to get the job done.

Wendy stopped walking and began walking when I reached her. She held her hand out to stop me from walking. When the team was a good feet away from us she began talking. "So you haven't been cutting"

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Cutting, you haven't been harming yourself"

My eyes widen at what she said. "H-how did-" I started but she cut me off.

"I see it all the time. I see the red on your bed. I've seen the blade before, you always sleep without a shirt on so when I go to your room to open the windows I see your wrist" Wendy explained.

My mouth opened a little. She lifted up her sleeve on her shirt to show scars of her own.

"I used to cut, but stopped for your sake. I see you stopped, so I want to know why?" Wendy looked at me with a serious look.

"I stopped because of....Lucy" Is all I can say. I guess I did stop because of her, she showed me light, something I seem to be missing"

Wendy nodded her head and began walking faster.

My eyes are still widen. She's a cutter? I'm glad she stopped. I looked at Wendy again. I hope she knows I care about her. I think as I walked faster as well.




Pain is all I feel at the moment.

The more Flare hits me the more I stop crying. It's like my tears dried up and I have no more tears.

I miss everyone. I miss seeing my mother and father.

Yes, my father has done many bad things to me and mother but, I still miss him for some reason.

"Yay! Blondie is awake, more fun" Flare smiled a sadistic smile and she grabbed her whip.

"T-that's new" I uttered out.

"Y-yes, I-t is" Flare laughed at her funny mockery.

Flare lifted her hand and brought it down fast. But she soon stopped when a name called her.

"Flare, can you go out to check the area. I think someone has broken in" King Zeref asked.

Flare rolled her eyes and walked away.

I blushed red when I noticed I was in my undergarments. But right now isn't the time to think about that.

King Zeref looked at me and scoffed. "Such useless garbage" He said as he turned around and walked away.

I smiled. He left the door open. I can see a sliver of light. Still useable.

I start to hum. The light immediately responds and comes to my aid.

I opened my mouth to sing, but fear of getting caught caused me to whisper.

"The lights..that are shown, create the heat..you own, and don't leave me alone, and show the light you've shown, the light that can't be blown" I sang a bit faster then I would usually do. I also sang the last note longer as I felt my chains melt.

After some time my wrist were free.

I get up and walk with caution. I do not want to get caught.

I looked down looking for my clothes I saw Flare throw across the room.

"I see you got out" I heard a voice say.

I look up to see a middle aged man with red hair and pink highlights in it. He kinda reminds me of someone.

My eyes widen when I realize I'm caught.

He looked around frantically and grabbed my wrist.

We ran through the hallway and to a room.

"This is my room, you can stay here until I help you escape" the man said.

I looked at him confused. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because my son was a magic user.....I never hated magic users or thought they were distasteful, but that's how I acted towards him and I regret it" The man explained as he had tears in the corner of his eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking...who is your son?"

The man paused and then replied with. "Natsu Dragneel"

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now