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It's been a whole week since Lucy said she'll introduce me to her friend Levy.

I haven't seen Lucy for a while.

I was in my math class when the door opened to reveal the blonde I was thinking about previously.

"Sorry I'm late!" Lucy chirped.

She looked happy but....her eyes are slightly tinted red and she has a slightly runny nose. She looked a bit down.

"Okay Miss Heartfilia, take a sit" the math teacher ordered.

Lucy nodded her head and took a seat at the front. Next to a petite blue haired girl.

Is that Levy? I questioned in my mind.

~Ring, Ring~

The bell rang, signaling students to go to their next class.

I have free period, I think Lucy does too, also that blue haired girl.

I walked outside. I turned my head to see Lucy and the girl from class.

I walked up to them slowly. I pulled my sleeve on my shirt to cover my old cuts I had on my wrist. If I were to meet this girl I need to make a good impression.....that is if she wants to meet me.

I look at Lucy. Maybe she's ignoring me? What if she doesn't want to be my friend any longer? What if she replaced me?

Multiple questions were running through my mind until I was in front of the two girls.

Lucy turned her head and smiled.

"Natsu!" Lucy than hugged me.

Lucy looked at the blue haired girl and nodded her head, the blue headed girl nodded as well.

"Follow" Lucy said as they walked away. Her expression that was once happy changed to serious.

I began following them like a lost puppy, not knowing where to go.

We ended up in the empty classroom.

"Levy, show him" Lucy said.

"But what if he tells someone?" Levy said with a panicked expression.

Lucy looked at me and mouthed 'use your magic'

I quickly made a shadow cat with wings. It was small because the shadows in the room were small due to the lights being on.

"He's a magic user" Lucy explained.

Levys eyes widen. She than nodded with determination written on her face. She began chanting some words that to me sounded like nonsense.

Out of thin air, a book appears in her hands. It was about Greek.

"Really Levy?! You get a chance to show off...and you make a book?" Lucy said with disbelief in her voice.

Levy giggled and nodded. "Yep!"

I stood there with a confused look on my face.

"I'm a knowledge holder! I can make things that help with education, medical needs, and such" Levy explains.

I looked at Lucy. "Can you explain yours too?"

"I am a Light singer....I sing and the light bends to my will. I can use my light to bake, and grow plants. I can also clear the sky, so I can see my beautiful sun!" Lucy explains also.

Well I guess I'll explain mines.

"I am a shadow weaver, I can talk to lost souls and bend the shadows to my will. I can make objects...as you've seen with my shadow cat" I explain.

"Natsu" Lucy said in a serious tone.
Her emotions can change very quickly I've noticed.

"There is another one" Levy continues. "We know because, Lucy used her power to clear the sky...to make it sunny. But it was immediately taken over by rain"

Lucy nodded. "My power is stronger than nature. There is a magic user who has a power with rain"

"And it's our job to find who it is!" Levy said determination evident on her face.

Lucy giggled. But her giggle sounded much more solemn than ever.

What happened to her? And was it as said as what happened to me?

"Maybe....she seems sad....what is she so sad about?" a lost soul whispered into my ear. Every lost soul I've met were super nosy.

I walked out of the classroom following Lucy and Levy.

"Hello there" A voice said.

I turned my head to see a scarlet haired girl. She stood with her hands on her hips. She was smiling but it wasn't big or showing her teeth.

"Hey Erza" Lucy greeted.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

Lucy must have seen my confused state because she began explaining who this girl is. "This is Erza Scarlet the student council president"

Erza nodded her head. "Correct"

Erza seemed very formal. She seems to be a serious person....she also has a certain aura....like the one Levy, Lucy, Wendy and I have....is she a magic user too?

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now