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The night was dark outside. It was past curfew for most.

Natsu was sprinting to Erza's house.

I have to get her back. She needs me. It's all my fault she got caught. I need her! Natsu thought as he ran to his destination.

Natsu almost got ran over by a car but kept on with his journey.

~Knock Knock~

Erza opened the door to reveal a sweaty pink haired male.

"They caught her....s...she's not safe......help" The male tried to say to his now confused friend.

"What?" Erza asked.

"Lucy....caught.....help" Natsu once again tried to say.

"Calm down fire breath" Gray said as they let Natsu in the house.

Erza handed him a glass of water. Natsu picked it up and threw it across the room.

"There's no time for water! Lucy was caught by the guards back at school!"

Erza and Gray were shocked. Everyone else came down to see what's going on.

They looked at the broken glass and then to the three talking.

Erza shook her head. "No time for explaining we need to go and save Lucy"

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Where might they be?" Asked Lisanna.

"Where else?" Gajeel asked.

"The castle!" Juvia chimes in.

The group made their way to the castle.

Not knowing what was ahead of them.


"They're going to come sooner or later" A guards said as he came up to me.

I smiled and turned my head to look at the window near me.

"So? I can always kill them all!" I asked and stated.

"But, will you kill that pink haired guy?" Another guard asked.

"If he does anything I will kill the blondie. Now leave me to my work" I ordered.

The guards nodded and began to take their leave. "Ah Ah, not you John"

The guard named John turned around and smirked. "As you wish"

We then made our way to my master bed room, I closed the door and locked it.

I can't wait to torture the pest. I can always have fun with the blondie....can't I?

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now