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Natsu was at home talking with a lost soul. Gildarts Clive was the souls name.

"Ya know I've seen a lot of beautiful women before, but that blonde chick is smokin' hot" The soul announced.

Natsu rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Anybody with a sane mind would have their eyes on her already! Take the chance and make a move!" The soul suggests to the pink haired male.

"Oh shut it will ya! Even if I did like her, she wouldn't go for a loner like me" Natsu said.

"You never know"

As Gildarts said that, Natsu's phone beeped.

To Natsu

If you know anybody else with magic, bring them also!

Natsu got up and went to his sisters room.

"I'm going to a friend's house, come with" Natsu said after he knocked.

"Oh, why should I?" Wendy replied with a questioning tone.

"She's a magic user"

"So it's a 'She' Huh?" Wendy teased.

"Alright I'm leaving you"

"No wait!" Wendy said with urgency.

After sometime the siblings arrived at Lucy's house after asking Lucy where she lives.

The house was a normal house with two stories.


The doorbell rang. Seconds later the door was unlocked.

Standing before the two was Lucy.

"Come in!" Lucy said gleefully as she opened the door and moved out the way for the two.

Lucy led them to her room where everyone else was.

The three entered the room to see Levy, Juvia and Gray.

Lucy let them inside and closed the door behind her since she was the last to enter.

"Okay so who is this little one" Levy said a little voice.

Wendy blushed. "I'm Wendy! And Natsu is my brother"

"What's your magic?" Questioned Gray.

"I'm a wind dancer, I control the wind. My power is pretty bland but it's useful!" Wendy said while playing with her two index fingers.

After everyone else told her their power Lucy took them to huge room that was empty. It was all the way in the back of the house.

"My mother emptied this room for me to practice in" Lucy said as she let everyone in.

"I'll go first!" Announced Juvia.

Lucy nodded her head.

Juvia got in a ready stance, but before she could start the door opened.

"Honey, this girl said she also had magic and was a friend of yours. Is that true" A soft voice said as Layla showed Erza.

Lucy looked at Erza confused and slightly stunned.

Lucy slowly nodded her head. "Thanks mom" Lucy said as a familiar red haired female walked in front of Layla.

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now