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Zeref Dragneel
Lucy Heartfilia
Request the pleasure of your company at the celebration of their marriage.

I read and reread the invitation over and over again.
The invite included the destination and the date of the wedding also, which was Lucy's birthday.

"Natsu dear, come over here please" Layla asked.

Once I made my way over she brushed my black tux and smiled.

"This is the day you get my little girl back. DON'T mess this up" Layla strictly said.

I nodded my head frantically and sighed.

The whole team gathered up a plan, or we would've if they weren't locked away. I couldn't see any of them. I was locked away in my own little cell that was brightly covered with light. I was stuck and I had no way out, until today. The day we all dreaded.

"Let's go" Jude said as he came into the picture and interlocked arms with Layla.

I walked beside my father and we entered the wedding chapel.

It was remarkable. The lights where candles and chandeliers. There was a big cross above the wedding arch.

Last time I checked, Lucy is an atheist. I thought as I looked at the big brown cross.

Almost all the seats were taken by guards. Some seats were occupied by my team mates. They were all badly bruised. But I failed to see Wendy.

I wonder where she is...

Everyone started to take a seat. I sat in the front, next to Erza and Lucy's parents.

Jude sat, arms crossed. He didn't even get the chance to walk Lucy down the aisle.

Erza jabbed at my rib. "Did you worry about us?"

"Oh, you have no idea" I whispered back.

Erza nodded and winced. I noticed a bruised up arm.

I was beyond angry. Why did they hurt my friends, my family. People who actually liked me...for...me.

All the noise in the room seemed to quiet down. Then everyone stood up.

"The wedding is starting" Erza said stating the obvious.

I nodded and looked at Lucy.

Her blonde hair was picked up to the side in a French braid. She hand a mermaid tail dress.

"When I get married, I want a flowy white dress!" I remembered Lucy telling me.

Right now she was wearing a tight pink dress. She was faking a smile and holding pick tulips. While I know she wanted white roses.

She mad her way to the arch and stood next to the King.

Dearly beloved. We are gathered here to watch the wedding between Zeref Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia" The priest said as he glanced down at his little black book. Which was probably a bible.

"Repeat after me. I, Zeref Dragneel take you Lucy Heartfilia to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do us part" The priest continued as he looked at Zeref. I'm guessing Zeref ordered the objections to be withheld.

I, Zeref Dragneel take you Lucy Heartfilia to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do us part" Zeref said as he looked at Lucy with a smirk.

I clenched my fist.

Repeat after me. I, Lucy Heartfilia take you Zeref Dragneel to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do us part" Now the priest looked at Lucy. Lucy then repeated.

"Now exchange rings"

Zeref took Lucy's hand and put the ring on as Lucy did the same.

"Now you may kiss the bride"

Zeref leaner in as Lucy stood frozen.


He moved in closer.


His lips were barley to her pink plump lips.


Lucy leaned in a millimeter.


Zeref closed the gap.


This was it. I reached my limit...

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