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"Ah!" Erza screamed in pain as the black cloaked person hit her with a whip.

"You magic users were sentenced to torture. Be greatful you aren't dead" A masculine voice said.

Erza looked at Mira who was already passed out from her beating. No. Erza then looked at Levy.

Levy has small cuts and bruises on her arms. Stop.

Gajeel saw the injured Levy and tried to fight back. But was tased and on the ground paralyzed. No...please. Stop this.

Lisanna was crying over her sister. She was laying down on the floor with a badly bruised leg.

Gray was chained up to a wall, hanging. Waiting for something...anything.

Juvia was at the foot of Gray. She was after Erza.

Stop, they don't deserve this..none of us do. Not even Lucy or Natsu. Stop! Please. Erza thought as she stared at the bodies in front of her.

The one who was badly hurt. The one who was cut the most terribly was the small and innocent Wendy.

Wendy laid on the floor, lifeless. Almost died. Wendy was bleeding out. "Brother, Lucy" Wendy would call out, but come out as a whisper.

Erza looked at the human in front of her. The person raised an arm. In his hand was a bloody whip. Most likely Erza's blood.

Please, someone, anyone...save me...save us...


Natsu stood with Lucy's parents as they breathed in and out.

"What is going on? Why did she agree?" Natsu asked the couple.

Layla smiled at the boy. She opens her mouth to say something but was stopped by the door opening.
"Hello!" Igneel said as he walked in, a little bruised up. His reddish, pinkish hair had blood and he was staggering a little.

"Where were you Igneel?" Jude asked.

Igneel laughed a hearty laugh. "Well you see, I was taken to the chamber with a bunch of your magic user friends" Igneel pointed at Natsu. "I was beaten, but managed to escape. Sadly it was only me, who escaped. The others where beaten" Igneel let a tear down. "The worse...Wendy"

"YOU FOOL" Natsu charged at his father. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HER?!"

"Because I wanted to create an actual plan" Igneel replied.

"YOU STUPID BASTARD!" Natsu was about to charge again when Jude held him back.

"Now, if you want to date my daughter then you have to be better then that" Jude said.

Natsu looked at Jude and Layla with a opened mouth.

"I see the way you look at my Lucy and the way she looks at you" Layla said sweetly.

"Oh Layla, you have a way with words" Igneel said as he swooned.

Jude rolled his eyes. "Can it"

Igneel nodded and sat down.

"I have to figure out a way to save my friends" Natsu said.

"You can save them at Lucy's wedding" Igneel replied.

Natsu looked at his father in confusion. "What?"

"I bet you money she'll invite everybody to the wedding, letting you help her and your friends escape" Jude said as he stroked his bushy mustache.

Natsu shinned, as if he a light bulb go off in his head.


Layla, Jude, and Igneel all looked at the pink haired male in disbelief.

"I can't believe she likes this guy" Jude said while chucking to herself. "I mean, Sting is handsome, smart, could play an instrument and knows how to make money"

"But he lacked emotion, he cheated on our little girl Jude" Layla said as she desperately tried to reason with her husband.

Jude huffed. "Yes, yes"

Just then the door opened, a voice came after. It boomed through the room. "The future queen has invited you to the wedding, that will take place in her birthday day" The owner of the voice then gave Natsu the invitation.

"Very well, thank you" Jude said as the door closed.

Don't worry Lucy. I'll get you out of this...Natsu thought.

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now