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"Flare!" Natsu exclaimed with anger laced in his voice.

"Aw, if it isn't my beloved Natsu, come to be mine once more?" Flare asked as she slightly bend her back backwards.

Natsu was almost red with anger.

"Where is Lucy?" Natsu asked as his nails pierced his palms.

"Mm, oh Blondie.....somewhere" Flare answered.

"No shit Sherlock!" Natsu then let out a sigh. Knowing Flare, she won't answer to his harsh tone. Where is Lucy" Natsu asked more calmly.

"Oh, I'm afraid I don't know. You see that Blondie left to who knows where" Flare said as she walked to the closest window. She crossed her arms under her chest.

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked.

"What she means is that she ran away. I have ordered my guards to take care of her if they find her. Who ever finds her is one lucky son of a god" A voice behind them said.

"Oh, King Zeref! Goodie!" Flare squealed.

Natsu raised an eyebrow as he turned his body to face the new voice.

"Why is that?" Natsu asked still confused.

"I've told my guards they can have some 'fun' if they find her. It's such a shame how she can't be pure any longer" Zeref said with fake pity.

Flare laughed and walked away.

"Natsu we can have our own fun anytime you want" She stated as she walked away.

Zeref rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Should've killed when I had the chance" Zeref then left. But before he got out the door he looked at Natsu. "Till we meet again, brother"

Natsu stood there. "Brother?" A soul said.

"Hey Cana" Natsu said as he looked at the black figure. "Go on and eavesdrop, I need to know what he meant by 'brother'.

"With pleasure, you know digging information is my jam!" The soul Cana announced as she floated away. A gap the shape of a smile formed on her black shadow.

I'm like hella confused. Natsu thought as he sat down thinking....
What could the king mean by...brother.


"Lucy!" Gray exclaimed as he ran to the blonde who stood there.

Tears of happiness ran down her face. "Gray!"

They both laughed happily. "I would kiss you right now for saving me! But Juvia would probably have my head"

"Agreed" Lucy hugged the raven haired male.

Then they both freeze when they heard someone clearing their throat. "Hey Lucy, who's this old guy?" Gray asked as he looked at Igneel.

Igneel scoffed. "Old? I don't look older then 40!"

Gray and Lucy laughed.

"This is Natsu's father, Igneel." Lucy said.

Gray nodded and turned his head towards the window.

"We should get out, and the best way to is the window" Gray suggested.

Igneel nodded. "I'd like to see my son and daughter again, if you guys don't mind?"

Gray looked at Lucy and whispered. "We can trust him, right?"

Lucy nodded her head. Why wouldn't she, that was her best friends father.

Gray trusted Lucy, he agreed and let the old man down.

The three climbed down the window, that was at least 5 stories high.

Once they reached the bottom, they were immediately caught.

"Stop right there!" A voice called out.

Lucy began to run and she heard Gray chant using his magic.

Igneel stared at the guards and saw Flare emerge out from the three guards standing there, side by side.

"Hello, Igneel. I see you've caught Blondie. And a half naked guy" Flare spoke, with a little confusion as she looked at Gray who currently didn't have a shirt on. Lucy was in the hands of two guards who caught her.

"Flare! Let us go" Igneel demanded as he closed his hand to a fist.

Flare laughed and psychic laugh and smiled. "Why would I listen to you, if I don't even listen to the King?"

Then the group all heard running.

It was a scarlet haired girl....Erza.

"Erza!" Gray and Lucy exclaimed.

Erza was panting, but stood tall.

She slightly smiled at the duo but it turned to a frown once she saw Flare.

"Long time no see, sister" Flare spoke.

"Not long enough" Erza said as she held her hand that made a shape of holding a weapon. Erza then chanted to reveal making an axe. "Why are you working for the King?!" Erza asked Flare.

Flare rolled her eyes and ordered the guards to leave them be.

Once the guards were gone Flare began to explain after Erza asked.
"Why did you run away?"

"Like mother even cares. She always loved you and gave you everything, just because you had the gift. She always ignored me. I resented you for the longest. Once I heard little Erzie found friends. Well I couldn't help myself! I want to make you feel pain! Good thing King Zeref also doesn't like magic users because of what happened to Queen Ma-" Flare was then interrupted by the said King.

"That's enough Flare. We've found Lucy, now find every magic user there is in this building" He ordered and Flare rolled her eyes again and walked away.

"This isn't over...sister" Flare said with venom in her voice.

Lucy, Gray, Igneel, and Erza turned to the King.

"Why exactly do you hate magic users?" Lucy asked.

Zeref looked down with sadness in his eyes. He looked as though he was trying to hide his sad expression, to alas he couldn't contain his tears falling out of his eyes. Zeref looked up and looked at Lucy. "Because you people killed my love! My one and only! My Mavis!"

Everyone looked surprised. The cold and hurtful King, was once in love.

"What do you mean?" Gray asked the King.

Zeref chuckled. "There was a magic user, she was Mavis's sister. The magic user was a Star Singer. They were playing in the woods..."

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now