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I awake to the sound of chirping.

I get up and turn my head to the window near my bed.

It's open, which means Wendy was previously here....in my room.

It was dark near the corners of room.

I twisted my wrist in a circular motion. A few moments later the shadows started to fly towards me.

I pointed to the opened window and my shadows already know what to do.

They closed the window which shown the sun light.

"Thank you" I muttered under my breath.

The shadows retreat to were they were formally.

I began to get ready for school.

~Knock Knock~

I hear a knock on my door.

Before I could open my door it busted open, with wind flying in.

I see my blue headed sister smiling at me.

"I see your up!" She cheerfully said.

I rolled my eyes. "I told you to not use your magic in my room"

"It was just a bit of wind....nothing more"she answered a bit hesitantly.

I nodded my head and proceeded to walk to my kitchen.

Wendy had a plate of breakfast out for me.

I uttered a 'thanks' and began eating.

"How is it?" Wendy asked hopefully.

I shrugged my shoulders.

I grabbed my book bag and headed out the door.

While walking, I noticed it was brighter outside than usual.

I than heard a sweet hum.

I turned my head to look around.

But to no avail...I couldn't find the source of the beautiful voice.

I continued walking.

After some time, I arrived at my destination.

FairyTail high, my well known school.

I walked in and was greeted by the wonderful stares they give me.

The people I address as 'they' were my fellow school mates.

They weren't the most kind or caring.

I than heard the humming again.

This time I breathed in and out and followed to the best of my ability.

I followed the sweet sound all the way to an empty classroom.

The classroom had not been used in years.

I reached for the door knob to open the said room.

But it was locked.

The hallway I was in was deserted and a bit dark, allowing me to use my shadows to create a key.

I moved my wrist up and down to created a key that would fit into the key hole.

I signaled the key to go inside the keyhole.

It began to turn, the dark shadowy parts, swaying as if wind was moving it. So elegant.

I've always adored the shadows. They were so calm and they cared for me much more than my own parents.

Especially the lost souls I can see, due to my magic. They can speak to me freely. Those were the only friends I've had since I lost my original friend group.

Finally the door was opened to reveal and girl humming.

She was looking out the window. She was sitting on top of a run down desk. She was holding one of her knees to her chest.

I didn't get a good look on her face. All I could see was her blonde hair cascading down her back.

I heard her start to actually sing.

It was beautiful. It was as if the song was connecting to me.

The sunlight was moving under her command.

It was so warm and felt like I was under a blanket during winter.

I stared and her with my mouth opened slightly and my eyes big.

I finally met one just like me.

A magic user.

"Wow" I said without knowing.

I wished I didn't do that, because that caused her to stop singing.

She turned her head to face me. Her eyes just as wide as mine.

"O-oh hello" The girl said in a angelic voice.

I waved at her.

"How much did you see?" She Questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing"

She sighed in relief.

"Well, if you count seeing you sing then yea"

Her eyes immediately open wide. Her breath was raggedy. You can hear her but she's talking in a low voice.
"Um, did you see anything else?"

"Yes, and I think your light is beautiful" I say as I opened the door ready to walk away but her gesture stopped me.

The girl walked towards me and stretched her arm out.

"Lucy" she introduced.

My eyes widen. "Your really telling me your name?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well you see....I don't have many friends...actually I don't have any. If I asked anyone else they'd say....'GET AWAY EMO FREAK' or such" I explained.

Lucy shook her head and smiled at me.

"Okay 'emo freak' " Lucy said in a mockery type tone. "Till next time!" She exclaimed as she walked out of the now dark empty classroom.

"She was the source of the light in here.....huh..." I thought to myself.

I then saw one of my shadows dancing on its own...meaning it's a lost soul.

I looked back to were she was originally. "Yeah, till next time"

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now