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It was the afternoon of a school day.

Students, who were once in class learning, were going to the cafeteria to meet with friends and eat happily amongst one another.

Outside was a bit gloomy. The sky was covered in grey clouds, indicating that it might rain.

Natsu was outside under a tree, trying to get away from the drama that was most likely starting in the horrid place they called a cafeteria.

Natsu lifted his sandwich to his mouth. He was about to enter it when he heard a girly voice, one that he recognized.

"Oh hey pinky!" The voice called out.

Natsu turned his head to see Lucy.

"I never got your name....mind telling me?" She asked the pink haired boy.

"Natsu" A faint voice said answering her question.

Lucy's eyes widen. "Was that a shadow?" Lucy half whispered, just in case anyone was listening. "I can attract lost souls because of my magic" "weird, I know" Natsu answered.

Lucy shook her head and smiled. "Nope, I think it's beautiful!" She complemented.

Natsu was in pure disbelief. His mother and father always told him to hide his magic from people because it was ugly and unpleasant to look at.

"I think your beautiful" Natsu uttered under my breath.

Lucy's eyes widen and Natsu immediately retract from the complement he just gave her.

"I mean yo-your magic is beautiful and breath taking!" He said a bit to loudly.

She giggled. 'Cute' Natsu thought to himself.

Lucy looked around. She seemed a bit on edge. "I've got a friend who is like us"

Natsu was now confused. "What?"

"Her name is Levy, she is also a magic user. She's sweet. Want to meet her?" Lucy asked sweetly.

"Yeah sure" Natsu didn't really want to meet this girl but, something about Lucy makes Natsu want to do anything.

"Thanks! Your awesome!" Lucy thanked as she kissed Natsu on the cheek, causing him to blush red.

Lucy giggled and walked off going to find her friend she mentioned to Natsu.

Natsu went back to eating his sandwich and chuckled to himself.
"I don't know why I never tried at friends for a second time, she seems cool"

"We agree" Natsu hears a lost soul say.

Natsu finished his meal and threw it away.

He hears Lucy's singing. Immediately the sky changed from grey and cloudy to sunny and clear.

"She's amazing" Natsu thought to himself as he walked to his next class.
Not noticing the sky raining on command.....

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now