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Still outside everybody looked at Zeref wide eyed. The males black hair swayed with the wind as he stood with a formal stance.

Lucy was shocked. Her father gave her away at a young age. Her mother was a magic user. Her mother was related to Mavis, the late princess and future queen.

Why did Zeref ask for me to be his wife? Why did father agree so quickly and without hesitation? What do I do now? Many questions ran through the head of the Light Singer.

"It was your mothers fault!" Zeref then screamed, getting closer and closer to Lucy.

Zeref grabbed hold of her arm and dragged her. "Now you'll be my future wife"

Lucy let out a yelp and gritted her teeth. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"We'll see about that" Zeref said as he looked back. Curious Lucy looked back to see her friends getting dragged the opposite way by guards.

"Stop! None of this concerns me!" Lucy tried to get out of the problem at hand.

"Your mother was a magic user, she possessed the strongest magic. All magic was given by the heavens. Only some where given by the gods" The King said as he continued to drag her a room.

He stopped in front of a door. He opened it and sat her down.

"Your mother was given the power of Star Singer. The power was given by the god of stars. Layla gave the power to you it seems" Zeref said as he crossed his arms.

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "I have the power of Light Singing!"

Zeref shook his head. "You were given both, your father was a Light Singer, and your mother was a Star Singer. They both gave you the gift of Light and Star, but you only control Light, until the age of 18"

Lucy thought for a moment.

"And your birthday is in a week" A feminine voice stated as a figure emerged from the shadows.

"And I'm sorry for giving you up" Another voice said.

There stood Layla and Jude.

"Jude and Layla Heartfilia, welcome" Zeref said while emphasizing the name Layla.

Layla grimaced at the tone of his voice but ignored it.

"Dear, I'm so sorry" Layla said as she gave Lucy a hug. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have given you the power"

Lucy shook her head and smiled. Lucy was about to say something but was cut off by yet another figure. But it was a more familiar body shape.

"Natsu?" Lucy asked.

"Hey" Natsu said nervous.

"What's wrong brother?" Zeref spoke.

Lucy looked in utter confusion.

"Natsu is my younger brother. Igneel, our father, left me, I don't know why to this day"

"Wait, how could he be a younger brother and still be my age. You knew my mom and dad, so how is that possible?" Lucy asked.

Zeref nodded his head. "That's because I changed Natsu's souls' age"

Lucy again look confused.

Layla sighed. "Lucy. Zeref is royalty. Royalty have the power to influence souls and appearance, Natsu is suppose to be in his early twenties and late thirties"

Lucy's eyes widen.

"Did you know Natsu?" Lucy asked the salmon haired shadow weaver.

Natsu shook his head. "I had Igneel explain it to me earlier, when he left I found your parents"

Lucy nodded and pressed her lips to a thin line. The information was to much for her.

Why did they keep it a secret? Why couldn't they tell her?

Lucy breathed in and out.

"What does any of this have to do now?" Lucy asked.

Layla looked at Jude.

"You'll just have to marry Zeref in a week and unlock your Star power" Jude explained.

Layla looked at Lucy with a we-will-get-you-out-of-this face.

Lucy nodded and looked at Zeref. No emotion evident on her face.


Zeref smirked. "Either way, you had no choice"

Zeref then left.


The rest of the group was pulled to a cell under ground.

Gray, Igneel, and Erza were pulled by guards to a empty room.

One for each of them.

The room was slightly dark, a torch being the only source of light.

They found everybody else. Caught.

"Hey" Greeted a beaten up Mira.

Erza raised a brow.

"She tried fighting a guard with Satan, didn't end well since her and Satan had a huge argument in the middle of the battle" Gajeel said as he crossed his arms. He's back was against the wall with a foot on it as well, Levy was sitting next to one of his foot and had a book.

"Right now, I'm reading about Star Singer magic, I heard Lucy's conversation with King Zeref" Levy explained. That got everyone's attention. Levy sighed knowing she had to explain. "Lucy's mother, Layla, had Star Singing magic. Layla and her sister Mavis went to the woods were Layla accidentally killed the future queen, Zeref saw this and attempted to kill Layla but Jude, Lucy's father, stopped him. Zeref vowed to have the hand of their first child. To which is was Lucy. Lucy got both her father and mother magic. Light and Star Singing."

"A god given talent" Erza said as she put a hand to her chin.

"It was given from a god, well the Star light gift was from a god who Layla has received from. Layla gave Lucy her power, as well as Jude, since their powers where somewhat close. They conceived a child with both magics, one that will be unlock at birth and another at the age of 18" A voice said out of the blue.

Everyone turned their attention to a blue haired male with a red tattoo or birthmark on his eyes.
"I've been here for a while so I know what's been going on. Those damn guards think I'm dumb" He mumbled angrily.

Erza noticed how attractive the man was and blushed at her think of things that weren't of the matter. "I see, what are you here?"

"I'm here because I've done something so bad!" The mans voice said with a drip of sarcasm.
"I tried to break the curse in Lucy before. Me and Lucy were great friends until she left my school to go to Sabertooth high and now I guess FairyTail high" The man looked at us and sighed. "I'm Jellal Fernandes, a wizard who got their gift from the gods, much like Lucy and Layla. I don't remember what my power used to be. They stripped me of my magic and my memory of it"

The group felt sympathetic for the blue haired male.

"We have to hurry and get out of here!" Wendy exclaimed clearly worried for Lucy and for her brother, who was know where to be seen.

"Of course" Erza said. We have to try at least.

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now