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It was a beautiful night outside. The sun is tucked away and the stars are shinning. The shadows lurk everywhere you look.

I would admire more, but due to our current situation....I can't.

Lucy is still kidnapped by Flare and who knows what she'll do to her.

Flare is cold hearted and a monster. She has such a blood thirst for pain and suffering.

Her deep red hair always complimented her desires. She got away with everything because of her figure and brains.

No matter how much I hate to admit it, Flare was smart and always prepared.

Flare also has very dangerous connections. She won't be backing down, I just know it.


It's been a week since Lucy was captured. Levy and Juvia have been making a plan, also adding the others suggestions of course. Everyone else was training hard.

This is not only for Lucy, but to show the king that Magic users should be free and to stop torturing us.

Right now the whole team is at Erza's household.

"We leave tonight, make sure to pack" Erza said as she made her way back to her room.

Yes, we are leaving tonight to find Lucy. The sooner the better....


We have been traveling for a day now. I am extremely tired and motion sick.

I turn my head to face Gajeel. He was sweating bullets and muttering curse words under his breath so Levy won't hear.

At least I'm not the only one...I think as I felt an elbow jab at my rib.

I look down to be face to face with a concern blue haired girl.

"She'll be fine, she's powerful" Wendy said, trying her best to sooth me. Sadly it wasn't working as well as it should be.

I nodded and smiled wearily.

"Speaking of Lucy....the train stopped" Lisanna said.

I immediately grabbed Wendy's hand and ran outside.

"Okay, the map says the Kings castle is on a mountain....miles away" Levy stated as she looked at the map.

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Why didn't the train stop near there then?" Mira asked as she also took a glimpse at the brown worn out map.

"Well, the king doesn't really like visitors" Erza said as she began walking forward.

Not knowing what else to do I followed, and so did everyone else.

I hope Lucy is okay and unharmed.....I sadly doubt it.



I look up to see red widen eyes looking down at me.

It was Flare. She stood their with a fake pity look.

"Aw, is blondie already worn out? We haven't gotten to our best part yet!" Flare exclaimed.

I was currently chained to a wall.

I tried sawing out but it's no use.

"Well, that's okay! I'll go and get rest for another day of fun!" Flare spoke with a plan in her mind of what she was going to do to me.

She called up John and continued to her room. That was probably covered in white goo. Yuck!

I tried to sing but there is not enough light. And I'm too tired to create light.


"Well don't fall asleep yet" I heard a male's voice say.

I look up to see the King.

My eyes widen.

"Sorry sir" I said as I bowed my head.

"No need to say sorry" King then put a foot on my blonde head. "Because if you were to say sorry, you would have to say a whole books worth of them"

I started to cry. Flare had previously thrown me and caused me to hit my head very badly.

"Zeref! Flare has requested you in her study" A guard informed the King.

"Since when those she request me? And her study?" The king scoffed then walked away.

I close my eyes and began to rest.

A week in this torture is hell. Imagine staying here longer....

Oh Natsu....please save me.....

The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now