Not Alone

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Emelia woke in her rented bed in Indiana, she'd actually slept for once, what a surprise. She got out of bed and got dressed once again, and walked to a diner for breakfast, she opened the door and was welcomed by the sweet smell of fresh bread and coffee. She sat down at the nearest table and ordered a plate of eggs, ham and a coffee. She kept her eyes peeled, constantly looking for someone out of place, someone who could be a vampire. No one seemed out of character. She enjoyed her hot drink and meal, and walked out the door after paying.

She sighed, and looked around at the town, it was only six in the morning and there were already so many people bustling about the small town. She put her pocket watch back into her pocket and walked off the porch, and approached her horse, "Ready girl?" She asked the beautiful mare, the horse just shook its head and snorted. "That'll be a yes then?" Emelia asked the animal, and got on, gripping the leather reigns tightly, and settling into the saddle for a long trip to another town, Emelia didn't know where she was going yet, but she'd find a new place with a new faces, and a new monster.

She galloped out of Little Pigeon Creek Indiana and into a pathed area surrounded by fields, she admired the greens of the grass, and the colors of the rising sun. This is what made it all worth it, going from place to place, never sitting still, it can be hard work, it's never the killing. It's always been the going from one place to another, never making a friend, being alone never bothered her. But this place seemed nice, quiet, and safe. She almost regretted leaving that place, almost. But there was still so much wrong in the world she had to right.

Emelia hated the feeling of being watched, whether it was when she was riding alone, or in a bar full of drunk men, the feeling of eyes on her gave her an uneasy feeling she just dreaded, and that feeling was creeping up on her now. She looked over her shoulder to see if someone was behind her, nothing, beside her, nothing, ahead of her, nothing. She tried to shake the feeling and continue. The uneasiness went away, but she remained vigilant. She heard several galloping horses, and turned around to see half a dozen men on horses approaching her.

Emelia stayed on her horse, and watched the men slow down and stop around her. "Can I help you?" She asked, "Give us the horse" The bearded man said, Emelia scoffed, and noticed they were all vampires. "No, this horse is mine, I bought her fair and square. Now off with you before you get yourselves hurt." She stated, the men all laughed, and got off their horses. Emelia got off of hers as well, and drew the blade from her coat, and sliced a head off. The other mens eyes widened, but they attacked anyway. 

"Kill her!" One screamed, Emelia took another swipe and off came another head. The blade was knocked from her hands, so she drew her pistol, and shot one in the head killing it. One of them came from behind and grabbed her, she struggled against him, "You're gonna die for that bitch." he growled, she felt the fangs near her throat, she never even flinched. She closed her eyes and prepared for the cold. She heard a man scream, and felt blood splatter on her front, but she wasn't dead. Emelia opened her eyes and saw the other two vampires were dead.

She looked behind her and saw a man standing with his back turned to her, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. She touched her throat, she was fine. The man turned around, it was Henry. "Mr.Sturges!? Were you following me!?" She questioned angrily, "Allow me to explain." He countered, "You had best explain yourself quickly sir." She stated, "I have never met a female hunter in all my years, I was curious, nothing predatory about me following you at all, and when you were attacked, I came in at the first sign of trouble that you couldn't handle yourself in. That's all." He explained. 

"I can handle myself just fine, thank you." She replied, "Yes, clearly being an inch from death is handling yourself." He replied sarcastically. Emelia rolled her eyes and mounted her horse, "Well, if you were so curious you could have just said you were coming with instead of following me around for the past half of a day." She retorted and looked down at him, "You said you worked alone, I wouldn't want to get in your way." Replied Henry. He whistled and his own horse came into sight, a beautiful white horse, and he mounted it. 

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