Live Again

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She was unconscious for three days, and Henry began to worry that maybe he had done it wrong, or that it didn't work. He began to think the worst, he began to believe she wouldn't come back to him, that she was truly dead, that she would never live again.

After the third day, she began to have a fever, and night terrors. Henry kept a cool, damp cloth on her forehead and held her through the night terrors as she thrashed and screamed in pain. Once her claws began to come in and the vampirism take over, holding her down became harder, and she managed to scratch Henry a few times, it healed after a short while though. 

Once they stopped, she was still again, and Henry could rest. The night terrors would get worse over the next couple of days, but then she should awaken. Henry only hoped the people in the town never heard any of the screams, but luckily Emelia's family home was tucked away in the woods and a bit away from the town. He was surprised Charlie never came searching for her, he was also surprised Charlie hadn't killed him yet. And Abe hadn't sent word to them, Abe...what would he say about this? 

Abe would have Henry's head on a plaque for turning the woman he saw a sister. They would try to keep it secret for a while. They would have to travel by night for quite a long time though. Henry had heard of vampires that force themselves in the sun and they become used to it, perhaps he could help her so when they did meet up with Abe that she wouldn't need to hide or stay in the shadows. 

Henry sat in the chair thinking over everything, his head began to hurt and his eyes were red, partly from not sleeping much, and partly from crying, which usually a vampire can't do. It hurt to see the love of his life hurting this much, though she would hurt much more when she had to feed her first time, that's never pleasant.

There's so much he needs to tell her, to teach her. How to control her hunger, how to fight, how to read people's minds. That's always tough, especially with excelerated hearing and vision, sounds would hurt in the beginning, her scent would be heightened. She would never bear children.

He heard her whimpers begin once again, and she began to move and scream. Henry shot up from his seat and held her arms and body to the bed, so she wouldn't hurt herself. He saw her fangs protrude from her mouth and her claws extend from her fingers, she screamed in pain and thrashed harder and harder. She managed to strike Henry across the face, leaving four long scratches from below his right eye to the left corner of his face.

He held her until she stopped and changed her cloth again, dabbing the sweat off her exposed collarbone and forehead. He stood over her for a moment, his fingers grazing the scratches on his face, they would take a couple days to heal they were so deep. 

He sighed and sat down, deciding to rest his eyes for just a moment. He closed his deep brown eyes and fell asleep. Drifting off into a dreamless slumber, until he heard a knock at the door, he jolted awake and went to see who it was. He cautiously opened the door, it was Charlie.

"Charlie?" Henry asked, "Is Emelia here? We were supposed to meet up for drinks a few days ago but I figured you guys were maybe busy." He stated, "Oh, Emelia is actually sick at the moment, she caught a nasty cold or something so she's bed ridden, but she should be better in a couple days." replied Henry. "Oh dear, are you sure it's only a cold? Does she need a doctor?" asked Charlie, "No, no. She'll be okay, I've been around long enough so I'm sure i can take care of her, thank you." Henry said with a nod and fake smile. 

Charlie stood a moment, but agreed that Henry would take good care of her, "If you need anything, I'm always at the Church, I'll be praying for her health and a quick recovery." He stated with a smile, Henry thanked him and bid him goodbye. Closing and locking the door behind him, Henry started a fire in the fireplace and made himself some coffee, he walked back to Emelia's room, and she was sat upright on her bed. Henry dropped the mug, it shattered on the wood floor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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