Long Unspoken

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When Emelia finally came to, she found herself wrapped in blankets and Henry's arms. She felt herself stiffen, not quite used to the close contact of another person. She slowly relaxed, and sighed quietly, relishing in the warmth. She remembered everything that had happened the previous night, how she had to fight her friends, and how she killed Arthur Benningham. She remembered how she became when she was searching for the boys, how she tortured a vampire with fire until she told her the plan. 

Emelia frowned, she told herself she would never become that ruthless again, but she had to find her friends, she countered with herself. She was shaken from her thoughts, when Henry shifted slightly, she felt her heart beat faster when she saw his face. His hair was messy, and his stubble seemed to have grown more than when she last noticed. 

She saw his eyes flutter open slowly, she saw his deep brown eyes stare into her own. "Morning.." Emelia said quietly, Henry realized he was still holding onto her, and he took his arms away and sat up, "I-....I'm sorry, you uh, l-looked cold last night...and I um-" "Henry" She cut him off, and he felt a heat rise up his neck. "It's okay, thank you for getting me out of there last night." She said.

"I should be thanking you, so should Abe. You saved our lives, you risked your own life for us...for me." Henry replied with a small smile, "I guess we're even now, right?" asked Emelia, Henry chuckled and thought back. "Yeah, we're even." He replied. "I guess we just need to stop getting hurt or kidnapped and we won't have to save each other's asses as often." Emelia joked.

Emelia sat upright, and felt the wound in her side, it was stitched and bandaged. She looked at Henry, and scanned him for the bullet wound she caused. "It healed." Henry said, reading her mind. "Stop reading my mind you creep." Emelia replied with a smile as she stood up. 

Emelia went to her bag and got clean clothes, she got changed behind the divider and then sat on the bed. As Henry went to change into a clean shirt and pants, Emelia's mind went back to last night. "He is something to you, isn't he?" She heard the sickening accented voice say, she tried to shake the images of Henry sleeping beside her away, but they stuck there, and mocked her. 

"He is something to me, that bastard was right." She found herself thinking, but quickly erased that from her mind, Henry could read her mind again, she had to watch her thoughts. Henry began buttoning his shirt and clasping his suspenders, and he found himself admiring the images of Emelia sleeping that had been burned into his mind. He remembered her dream that he saw, "I am something to her, I have to be if she was dreaming that. I wish she knew what she means to me." He began thinking. 

They began thinking of how foolish they were being, they've only known each other a few months, and for a few weeks they were away from each other and barely spoke. But they also longed to speak to and see each other during that period. They began thinking of the blissful feeling they got when they laid beside each other and cuddled up. They memorized the other's scent.

Henry's was a burnt wood, shoe polish, and pine scent. Emelia's was a sweet lilac, outdoorsy, rainy scent. Emelia had never felt this way, and it had been century's since Henry felt this way. They hardly knew what the feeling was. Love? Or just an admiration for a close friend?

Henry finished dressing and stepped from behind the divider and looked to Emelia, who was in the process of putting on her coat. She stopped trying with the dresses months ago, and decided funny looks were easier to deal with rather than ripping off a tear-away skirt to fight. Henry watched her with curiosity, he felt his heart quicken when she looked at him and smiled. 

"Emelia" "Yeah?" "I have to say somethin-" He was cut off by the door swinging open, revealing Abe with his bag in one hand and a ridiculous hat in the other, "Come on you two! We have to catch the boat, I have to get back to Indiana, I have important things to do!" He shouted and began walking down the hall to the stairs. Emelia and Henry grabbed their bags and other belongings, and locked the room after them.

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