Long Nights

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(This chapter is just kind of a filler? It'll basically just have more of Emelia's story and stuff that her and Henry talked about in the last chapter! Enjoy!)

Emelia sat on her bed, Henry sat on his, "So how did you get into all this, if I can ask now?" Henry asked politely. "What, you want my origin story?" Emelia asked, "Something of sorts like that, yes. If we're going to be working together for a while now, I would like to know more about you, and what topics I should avoid." Henry said plainly. Emelia took a deep breath, she hadn't talked about this in years, since she met her priest friend. 

"Alright, I was six-teen when it happened. Me and my parents lived on a small farm in Maine, my parents were against slavery, so we never had any slaves, we worked the fields and tended the animals ourselves. Although I'm a girl, my father allowed me to work outside with him, my mother wasn't so sure about it, she was always afraid I would get hurt by one of the cattle or some nonsense like that, but...even then I wasn't afraid of anything, aside from losing my parents.." She began, "We always had money issues, but we could always stay afloat it was never a huge issue. It was a few days after I had turned six-teen, the day had been normal until a man came to the door~

*Emelia's POV memory

A knock came at the door on a fine, summer's evening. My father answered while I helped my mother prepare dinner. I looked to the door when it opened, and there stood an odd looking man, he was dressed in fancy clothing, he wore sunglasses, and seemed pale as a ghost, something about him wasn't quite right. I could feel it. I overheard him say something about his wagon being broken down a couple miles from our home, and I heard my father offer his assistance after dinner was eaten, so he invited the man inside our home, and he sat at the table and plastered on a fake smile, I could tell that it was fake, I just knew. I barely spoke, aside when spoken to. After dinner I excused myself to the bathroom, which was an outhouse behind a small shed, and I had just closed the door when I heard my mother scream and my father yell. 

I rushed to the house and whipped the door open, only to find my mother and father mutilated by the man, but he wasn't a man anymore. His eyes were black, and he had fangs protruding from his gums, and his fingers were like knives. He looked at me, he tried to kill me but I ran to the woodshed, I grabbed my father's ax and hurled it into his chest, he stumbled back, but he took it out and laughed. He laughed about it. I stumbled back, but my hands felt a cool piece of metal, it was some kind of old blade. I held it out in front of me, and that...monster came at me, tripped and the blade went through his neck, slitting his throat, and severing his spinal cord. His head fell beside me, and his lifeless body fell atop me. 

I pushed it off me, and observed what I had done. I had heard stories of vampires from my father, but I thought he was just trying to scare me, and when I killed that vampire, I didn't feel anything. Nothing, I felt...cold. I ran back to the house, my mother and father lay lifeless of the kitchen floor. I sat there and cried for hours, that's what it seemed like, when I finally got the courage, I got up and dragged their bodies out back, and buried them, tears still falling. I sat beside their graves for a while, I apologized over and over, I blamed myself for their death, if I hadn't gone outside and left them there alone, maybe I could have reacted to the vampire before he would have killed them. 

I blamed myself, and in a way, I still do. From that day, I vowed to kill every vampire I could, even if I died trying to save someone else, I didn't care. I still don't. With my family gone, I have nothing left to live for, so I live recklessly, kill vampires for a living, and if i die, oh well."


Henry sat in disbelief at Emelia's story. The fact she said she didn't care if she died, that she had nothing to live for, it hurt him on the inside, but he didn't understand why, he just met this woman and yet he felt bad, and like it was his duty to be there for her. "I'm so sorry Emelia, I'm sorry you had to go through that at such a young age, and I'm sorry you had to go through most of life alone." Henry told her sincerely, Emelia wiped away a single tear, "It's alright, it wasn't your fault, it was mine, and I can live with that." Emelia replied with a small smile, "What did you do after?" Henry asked, "I worked on farms to help get some extra money, and began my work. I bought whatever I could for weapons, stole the rest, and trained myself to kill more vampires. I knew what they looked like, and in time I studied their characteristics so I could tell more easily who was a vampire and who wasn't. And then I began traveling." She replied.

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