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Emelia neared where the letter said to wait, she felt an uneasiness deep within, a feeling she couldn't shake or ignore. As she neared, the train station and town came into view. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding, and continued to ride forward. 

When she stopped, the train station was beside her, Emelia tied her horse, which she promptly names Javert, it was a French word she had heard of, meaning; to persue relentlessly. She liked the name, though her horse was a mare. She ran a hand across the beast's thick neck, and walked away from her. 

She was told to be there at ten AM sharp, but she decided to be early, just in case. SO she waited, and waited, the train seemed to be off schedule, because it was now ten. At quarter after ten, she got up to leave, she was a fool to even show up, it was either some joke, or a vampire. Either way she didn't care now. As she was untying her horse, she heard the train pull into the station, just to humor herself, she tied the mare back up, and watched the people as they dispersed from the train.

She watched, man, woman, child, the elderly, a few workers, rich and poor, any person imaginable stepped onto the platform, and either went into town, or took a carriage away. She turned to actually leave, when a figure caught her eye. A man, dressed in high-waisted pants, a white shirt, a grey vest, and a long dark overcoat, he also donned a pair of dual-framed sunglasses, and had a head of short cut, black hair. A light stubble on his chin.

Emelia swallowed as her mind processed the man that stood fifteen feet away from her. 

"Henry..." She breathed.

She slowly walked up to him, then walked a little faster, anger building within her with every step she took, when she reached him, she was no more than a foot away from him. They locked eyes for a moment, Emelia breathing heavily, slapped Henry as hard as she could, his face turning with the force of her hit. They stood a moment in a deathly silence, and Emelia did the unexpected.

She flung herself into his arms, Henry, still dazed from when she struck him, hesitently wrapped his arms around her, trying to calm her, as she was shaking from anger. "Henry, I'm fucking pissed, and overjoyed at the same time. I don't know whether I should hit you again or keep hugging you.." She mumbled into his shoulder, "Let's go with the latter on that one.." He replied with a small smile.

After their embrace ended, Emelia looked at Henry's face, she had longed to see him for so long, and he had longed to see her. "What brought you back?" asked Emelia, "I was sent back to find some vampire slaver in New Orleans, that and I...wanted to apologize to my friend." He said with nothing but sincerity in his voice, Emelia smiled, "I'm sorry, I truly am, I never should have said any of those things." He said as he locked eyes with her, "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been so difficult and I also shouldn't have hit you..." Emelia trailed off.

Henry smirked, "I reckon a man deserves a good slap every once in a while, when his ego gets too big." He laughed, causing Emelia to chuckle. They had longed to hear each other's laughs. 

"So, about the vampire slaver?" "Oh! Right, his name is Arthur Benningham, he's one of the oldest vampires any of the Union knows of, aside from Adam of course, but that doesn't matter right now." He began, "They said I'd know him when I saw him, they also said he's been running a large slave operation for quite some time now, but the Union wants him dead because he's been making vampires, and we can't have more vampires like him running around." He explained.

Emelia felt her face pale, Arthur Benningham, he had to be the one that threw her into that one, the one that threatened to kill Henry and Abe. "What's the matter?" Henry asked, He tried to read her thoughts, to no avail. "I-I think I know who Arthur Benningham is, I may have met him when I went to New Orleans. He threatened me, and told me to leave.." She replied, "And you left? You didn't kill him? I've never known you to run away from a fight, Emelia-"

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