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When Emelia woke, Henry wasn't in bed with her. In fact, he wasn't anywhere in their rented room. "Henry?" She called out just to be sure, no answer. She checked for his bag, it was still where he left it, she peered out the window and saw him walking up to the Inn, she also noticed the sun was barely even up yet. She checked the clock on the wall, and sure enough it was only four in the morning. She heard the key jingle in the lock and the door opened to reveal Henry, with blood on his shirt, chin, and neck.

"Henry! Are you okay?" She asked, "I'm fine, I went out early so you wouldn't have to see me feed. Sorry if I worried you." He replied. Emelia nodded and got him a clean shirt, "Get changed, we'll stop so I can eat, and then we'll continue to Maine, I want to be there before nightfall." She stated as she tossed the shirt to Henry. He stepped into the washroom and cleaned himself up, changing into the clean clothes.

Emelia finished dressing in her usual attire and waited for Henry. She couldn't help but wonder where Abe was right now, and what he was doing in Massachusetts. She was aware he was getting into law, but she hadn't heard from him since he left their little team. She remembered him mumbling something about a woman, but she never questioned it. Henry told him to not make any attachments, but that was a bit hypocritical considering their relationship. 

Henry came out of the washroom and put on his coat and boots, and looked to Emelia, who seemed deep in thoughts. "Something the matter darling?" he asked, "Oh, so we're on endearing names now, are we Sturges?" She asked with a smirk, "Ah, and my last name is endearing?" he retorted. Emelia rolled her eyes, "I was just thinking about Abe, I hope he's doing alright is all, my dear." She mocked the last words. 

Henry chuckled, "I'm sure Abe is getting along fine, we'll see him again soon, so don't worry yourself and let's get going to Maine, you deserve the time there so we have to use it wisely." He reminded her and opened the door for her. She nodded and walked out with her bag.

They exited the Inn, bought some food from a market and mounted their horses. "Ready?" He asked, "As I'll ever be." Emelia replied, and with that they were off. The sun had started to rise as they left Pennsylvania. They were almost to Maine, and Emelia was starting to get nervous, it had been over a year since she'd been back there, and Henry could sense her nerves. 

"Why are you so nervous about going back this time? Haven't you come back alone before?" asked Henry, "Well, yeah.." Emelia started, "But this is the longest I've been away, and now it feels like I don't belong or something, I don't know. Maybe it's just because so much has happened since i last came." she finished with a sigh and looked to Henry, he gave her a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry, you've got me if anything happens, alright?" 

She nodded and smiled, then turned her head to look ahead of her. They tried to stay out of cities and towns as mush as possible, not wanting to have to stop for any reason aside from if they were to come across a vampire. 

It was nearly nightfall when they finally got to the small town Emelia used to live near, and where her friend Charlie still lived. "So how exactly did you meet your priest friend?" Henry asked, "Well, it was a couple weeks after my parents were killed, and I had come back here only because I caught wind of a vampire nest, so I went to check it out, and I had seen him fighting a vampire on his own, and I saved him, and he helped me take out the other vampires, and he invited me to stay for dinner and we got to talking. Told me he had been hunting vampires for a few months and trying to keep up his duties with the church, and the next day I went to confession and felt a relief wash over my body." She explained.

"I usually came back every few months, when I could, but this year's been busy for me, what with meeting you and Abe and all the stuff after that, I hope he remembers me..." She trailed off. "I'm sure he will, darling, I'm not worried about that, but if he's a hunter, then he should be able to tell who's a vampire and who's not. And I am, so he better not try to kill me." Henry warned playfully. 

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