Lost Uncle

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The three rode into a very small town, it seemed to only have an Inn, a tavern, a couple houses, and a few stores and a stable. Emelia and Henry had barely spoken the entire trip, Abe was happy to be around more people, though there were very few in this town, the human interaction would be nice.

They tied their horses at the stable and rented a large room at the Inn, renting one room was cheaper than two, and then they walked to a store to get a few supplies. The man working the counter gave them an odd look, especially Emelia, it almost looked like he was trying to recognize her.

Henry walked to the counter, "Excuse me sir, do you know where the nearest train station is?" He asked, "Yeah, keep riding East, you come to a town called Little Oak or somthin' like that, and they got a train station there." He stated matter-of-fact-like. Henry thanked him and nodded, and walked around the store, Emelia approached and paid for a box of matches, and a couple spools of thread and needles, using the same needles to patch herself up with over and over was getting kind of unsanitary.

The man stared at her, "Where you guys from? You're all together right?" He asked, "Uh, yeah, we're just three friends traveling together for a while, I'm from Maine and the tall guy is from Indiana and the other guy's from England, he moves around a lot." She explained, the man nodded. 

Emelia noticed his accent, it seemed he was from further up north, almost sounded like he was from Maine, "I used to live in Maine, then some accident happened and I moved away, didn't like a eerie feeling of the air and what not." He replied. "I'm Emelia Kyle, by the way." She held her hand out to him to shake it, his hand never reached hers, "Kyle? You're not by chance Loraine and Joseph's girl are ya?" He asked, eyes nearly popping out of his head.

Emelia stared at him a moment, Henry and Abe walking closer now as to watch the interaction. "U-uncle Jeremiah?" She asked, almost unsure of herself, he smiled and walked around the counter to hug her, "I thought you were dead, kiddo, how in the hell did you get along without your parents? And what even happened?" He asked.

"I-I've gotten along just fine, I take work where I can and I'm traveling with friends." She said, though she was sick of saying 'friends', she wasn't sure if her and Henry were even friends anymore at this point, and she didn't even really know why. "And your parents?" He inquired, "Some man came to the door one night, and I'd left the house for only a moment, and he...he killed them..." She went quiet.

Henry sensed her sadness and stood a little closer, Abe frowned, "I'm sorry kid, if you'd have come, I could've taken care of you after that. But what happened to the man?" He asked, "I killed him." Emelia replied in an somber tone.

Jeremiah looked taken aback, but hugged her again anyway, "You always were a strong girl, I'm glad you still are, tell you what, you're in town, this is a reunion. You and your friends can stay at my place, your aunt'll cook us up a hot meal, and we can catch up." He suggested, Emelia looked to Abe and Henry, they both seemed to enjoy the idea, though now it would be harder for Henry.

Being a vampire and all, he can't exactly eat human food anymore, drink sure, but food was different now. 

"Great, I get off of work here in an hour, so meet me at the front of the store then, and we'll get to my house." He nodded and went back to work. Henry, Emelia and Abe walked out and Abe went to cancel their room at the Inn.

"You've been quiet.." Emelia stated while looking anywhere but at Henry, "So have you." He countered with more confidence. "Did I upset you?" Emelia asked, almost sounding hurt, "Why would you think that?" Henry asked, now looking at the woman beside him. "You haven't spoken a word to me since Abe suggested that we become a team.." said Emelia, "You haven't spoken to me much since the tavern so" Henry began

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