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Weeks had past since Henry left, they were both running on little sleep, due to nightmare induced slumber. Emelia had taken a boat to Louisiana, she had heard from another hunter that there was a lot of vampire activity down there, she was further South than she liked to be, but if there was trouble, she had to help.

The reason she hated being that far South was because of slavery. Emelia hated it, the fact the some people thought they were above others, how would the rich feel if everything was taken from them? Emelia had everything either taken from her, or it left her. No rich folk could walk a day in her shoes, but at the same time, she knew others had it far worse than her.

She reached New Orleans at daybreak, there were people awake already and bustling about. New Orleans was quite a sight, yes, but it wasn't that fascinating to Emelia. Too dirty, too many rich folks buying slaves, right in the street. There was an auction going on, and she stopped and bowed her head, she prayed to God that he would help to free those poor souls.

She looked at the crowd of men dressed in fancy, dark clothes and glasses. She spotted at least a dozen vampires. Typical that they would be at a slave auction, she'd be here for a while. While she was coming up with a plan, a man bumped into her, nearly knocking her to the ground. "Watch it!" She said, "Sorry.." he replied with attitude, Emelia got a look at him, he looked like Henry. Her heart skipped, but when she realized it wasn't Henry, she frowned and walked away.

"I'll have to wait until night, most of these vampires know each other, so they should go to taverns together. So maybe if I pick them off a couple at a time, I can take care of this.." She thought to herself. She looked up and saw one of the vampires looking at her, he seemed different from the rest, like he knew something she and they didn't. He seemed like he knew he was above the rest of them, as if they were peasants, and he a king.

Emelia shot him a look, and walked on to a hotel. "Single bed, please." She told the man behind the desk, "Of course, may I take your bags to your room for you, miss?" He asked, "No thanks, I can handle it." She replied with a nod, and she walked to her room to get situated. She'd have to tell the keeper she would be here a couple weeks, she would need to seem like a tourist, or just someone on vacation. Make a name for herself, and then no one would suspect her as the killer of all those vampires. 

The only good thing about New Orleans was that there were always a lot of people coming and going, so she wouldn't be suspected for anything.

She sat on the bed, and looked at her medal, she would have to go back to see Charlie in Maine soon. It had been a few months since she'd seen him. She looked at her bag, and her coat, and then to her blade and pistol. She hadn't been the same since he left, she felt as though a piece of her was missing, the one thing that helped to keep her going was gone. 

She didn't know, but hundreds of miles away, Henry was feeling the same thing. He felt empty, more empty than usual at least. He wanted to get out of New York, as much as he usually loved it, he had to be very careful there when he fed, but luckily there were a lot of assholes there at the time, so he had plenty to work with. He longed to get back to his secluded home in Indiana, he longed to see his friend, Abe. He longed to make amends with Emelia. And hundreds of miles away, Emelia felt the same.

She longed to go back to a place she liked, she longed to see her friends Abe and Charlie, and she longed for Henry. She longed for his companionship, his friendship, his touch, his warm presence, she longed for him.

But they both knew things would never be the same between them, even if they did meet again. 

Emelia waited until the auction was over, and she leaded back out into the streets to do her job. Three vampires walked into a bar, and she followed, once they were drunk enough, and had women at their sides, they headed back out into the streets. They were in an alley way, and headed to a large, fancy hotel. Much nicer than the one Emelia was staying at. 

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