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Emelia glanced at Henry for a moment as they walked down the streets of New Orleans, she felt so happy, yet she was filled with an undying dread and sense of worry. Henry, sensing her distress, turned to look at her. "Are you alright?" He asked, "I'm fine.." She lied, but gave him a small smile anyway. Henry frowned, and took her hand in his, holding it tight, and giving it a light squeeze. Emelia felt her face heat up, so she looked away from Henry.

They walked up to the slave auction, and Henry waited for Emelia to point out Arthur. "Do you see him?" Asked the vampire, "No, maybe he skipped town?" Emelia suggested. "Highly unlikely, perhaps he knew we were coming.." Henry replied.

"If he knew I was coming back, he may have gotten to Abe!" Emelia began to panic, "I don't think he did.." replied an all too familiar voice, the pair turned to see Abe standing there, his stupid hat and all, ax hidden beneath his long coat. "Abe! What are you doing here?" Emelia asked, hugging him. Henry felt that feeling again, jealousy. 

What did he have to be jealous of? Emelia was his friend, that's all. 

"Jack dead, he told me about some slaver lord in the New Orleans, so I got here as quick as I could." Abe replied as Emelia let go of him, and took her place beside Henry. "Perhaps we should rent a room at an Inn?" Henry suggested. The team walked to the nearest Inn, and waited to be checked in, the Inn keeper took one look at Henry and Emelia and said, "Don't worry, I know what kind of room you need." 

Henry and Emelia tried to stop the man, telling him they weren't a couple, "Nonsense, I see plenty of young lovers such as yourselves come down here to get away from your parents." He replied with a smirk. Abe got a single bedded room, and they took their belongings to their rooms on the fourth floor. Emelia and Henry blushing as they opened the door to their queen bedded room.

"I'll sleep on the floor, or that couch.." Henry said, "Y-you don't have to, I can sleep on the couch. It wouldn't be fair to you, you paid for the room." Emelia interrupted, Abe just laughed at the pair, "Oh come on, two 'young lovers' such as yourselves sleeping in the same bed should be no problem!" He laughed.

Emelia punched him, and set her bag on the bed. "Should we split up and look for this guy?" Emelia asked, "Yes, we'll cover more ground, and we'll meet back up here at midnight, alright?" Henry asked, the others nodded, and they walked out of the Inn together, but each took a separate path. 

Emelia walked down a street with shops on either side, she smelled fresh bread, roasting meat, and horse shit. Not the greatest combination. Henry walked down a street with a Church and a cemetery, where he saw two holes being dug. Abe walked down a street where a slave auction was going on, he swore he could feel their fear.

The three, in their separate paths, walked for hours, when none of them saw any vampires that matched Arthur's description, they returned to the Inn at midnight. "I only saw two vampires, didn't you say you say a lot more here last time, Emelia?" Henry asked, "Yeah, I don't like this, somethin' ain't right here.." She trained off. "We should get some rest, and scour different parts in the morning." Abe recommended, the two nodded, and the team went to their rooms.

"We'll share the bed, you just stay on your half and I'll stay on mine, yeah?" Emelia proposed, "Fair enough." Henry replied with a nod. The two slept in their white shirts, and pants. Emelia felt uncomfortable, yet at the same, very comfortable. 

She laid her head on her pillow, away from Henry and he did the same. "Goodnight.." "Night.." 

Sometime in the night, Emelia felt a prick at her neck, and the weight of the bed shifted on Henry's side. She thought it was only a dream, until she awakened. 

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