The Beginning

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Emelia Kyle was a lot of things; Strange, a loner, an outcast, but the biggest thing she was, is a vampire hunter. Things she wasn't; Weak, afraid, and useless. She wasn't afraid of anything, not even death. She'd been on her own since she was six-teen, when her parents were killed by vampires, that's why she devoted her life to killing the bastards. She was twenty-two now, so she's been alone for a while now, not that she minded, working in teams wasn't her thing, she'd met a couple other hunters, but they always got in her way. She worked alone, lived alone, and drank alone. She was in Indiana, trying to catch a vampire that had a home there, she heard a couple of deaths had happened there, mostly sickly people though. 

Emelia Kyle rode into town on her Black colored mare, and walked into the Inn, she rented a room, and got to work. She dressed in her usual, a leather-fabric long-sleeved top, and a tear-away skirt, with pants underneath, she threw on her boots, and her silver cross necklace, which had been blessed by a good friend who happened to be a Priest. She grabbed her pistol, and put it in her belt, strapped a knife to her thigh, and in her boot, and then put on her coat, and put her machete like blade into her coat, so it wouldn't be seen, and she headed out.

She saw a few men wearing sunglasses, but none were vampires. She saw a man, dressed rather nicely, with short black hair, he was wearing sunglasses. She noticed he seemed pale, and he looked as if he were watching people, like prey. He turned away, and began walking to a wooded area with a path. She went deeper into the woods and began following him, he never noticed her she was so quiet. He seemed so calm, so unlike the others, something about him was off. 

He walked up the porch of a decently sized cabin, she snuck behind him, and stood straight. "Sir?" She asked sweetly, he turned and was surprised to see a blade to his neck, "Prepare to meet your maker!" She shouted and swung, he ducked, "Miss! You're making a mistake!" He countered, she punched him, he grabbed her wrist, and pushed her to the ground. Emelia struggled beneath him, "Miss, settle down please, and listen." He said, "I'm not like what you think." He said, "You're a vampire!" She spat, "Yes, I am. But I'm not like the others, I swear." He replied calmly, in his British accent. "You're a liar like the others!" She yelled back, "Miss, look into my eyes, I'm telling the truth." He said, and removed his glasses.

Emelia locked eyes with the monster, she saw truth, and sincerity in his eyes, she stopped struggling, and he helped her up. He brushed himself off, and looked at her, "I don't believe I've properly introduced myself..." He started, "Henry Sturges." He said while sticking his hand out, "Emelia Kyle" She shook his hand, it was cold.

"Now, I want answers, why aren't you like the others? And why should I not kill you?" Asked Emelia, "I don't kill just anyone, only the sickly, close to death...or the wicked." He told her, "Alright, but that's still killing, and it's wrong." Emelia retorted, "True, but I only feed when I'm starving, and need to. I'm not a monster." said Henry, Emelia nodded, "Well, then I apologize for trying to kill you, Mr.Sturges." She said with a nod, "It's not the first time.." He said with a smirk, recalling his and his best friend's first encounter. 

"Please, Miss Kyle, come in, it is quite cold out here, I can make you some coffee or tea if you like." He said, opening his front door, Emelia followed him in. He put a kettle on the stove for some tea, and told Emelia to make herself at home. He brought her a cup of tea, and placed one down for himself. "Mr.Sturges, if you don't mind my asking, what's a vampire like you doing here? I thought most vampires owned slaves?" She asked, "Slavery is wrong, all men are equal." He replied, Emelia nodded, "How old are you?" She aksed, "I've lost count, but somewhere around three-hundred.." He replied.

"And how old are you, Miss Kyle?" Henry asked, trying to keep up the conversation, this was so unlike him, he never invited anyone in his home, and he preferred to not talk with many people. Something about this woman intrigued him. "I'm twenty-two." She replied, "That's about the age I was when I was turned.." Henry trailed off, Emelia figured he didn't want to talk about that, it was probably a bad memory. She'd never talked with someone like this, he's a vampire, and she's having tea and a good conversation with him, something about him pulled her in though.

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