Chapter Three

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I stumbled towards Eric's apartment, my arm flung around Four's neck. He had one arm around my waist and my shoes were in his other hand. I was trying my best to act sober, but really I'd drunk a lot more than I should have. Though, in my defense, it was the first time that I'd gone crazy like this since the first time that Lu and I drank together almost a year ago.

After I'd proved to the others that I'd actually gone through with the deal and gotten a tattoo, Bud covered it up and gave me strict instructions on how long to leave it for and to keep it moisturised. We'd then all headed back to Dale's, where the party continued and we all drank him out of house and home. I hadn't decided what I wanted Dale to buy me yet, and I figured I'd wait until I found the perfect thing.

Lu had decided that she wanted to play more drinking games, and our usual group was joined by Uriah and his friends as we played truth or dare. Lu had put her own spin on this and told everyone that if they passed a dare, they had to remove an item of clothing and down as much from a bottle of drink as possible. Isla ended up sat in just her shirt, Dion took his off, Mel removed her jacket and that was when my heels had come off. Daring me to run around naked was stupid, and I certainly wasn't drunk enough to act in such a foolish way, so I removed my shoes and drank the last of my drink.

Talulah had left whilst we were playing that game, claiming that she was tired and Indi and Gaz had offered to walk her back on their way home. The three of them had departed just as another game was suggested by Nick. This one was simple and a little bit boring, but we played it anyway. We each had a full drink, and sat around in a circle. We had to down our entire bottle and as soon as the person next to us stopped, the next had to start, like a chain. If someone started too late, or too quickly, then the chain had to start again, generally causing the first players to be wrecked, vomiting or seriously needing to pee by the time the chain was actually completed. Nick had arranged it so that the big drinkers were first, and the ones that were lightweights were near the end. I was sixth and had ended up getting through three bottles.

By the time everyone started to leave, I was laughing hysterically over nothing with Lu and Mel, and I couldn't walk very far without tripping over or bumping into something. The ones that were a bit better off than us, such as Lauren, Four and Colton arranged how each of us would get to our apartments, or to each other's.. and we separated into three groups.

Lauren and Nick walked with most of the younger members of Dauntless, my age, just to make sure that they got up or down the stairs okay.

Everyone else went with Lu to hers, except Zeke, Shauna and Uriah's group who were crashing at his.

Four and I had walked across the compound with them until we separated outside the apartment building. Eric's apartment was located at the other end of the building, and Four's was just above his.

I had been walking with Mel, the pair of us holding each other up, giggling at the back of the group until everyone started to head into the building. Lu had given her key to someone and said that she'd walk me to Eric's, but Four had offered to take me seeings as he was going that way anyway. I'd given Lu and Mel a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye and stole Mel's drink thinking to myself that it was one for the road.

I tripped up one of the two steps in the small corridor, then caught myself awkwardly with my shoes in my hand, laughing loudly and holding my drink the other. Four sighed and wrapped an arm around my waist, lifting me back onto my feet.

"You can get rid of that." He took the bottle from my hands and chucked it in the bin beside him.

I loudly started to protest and he pulled my arm around his neck, before grabbing my shoes out of my hand.

*DISCONTINUED* Sacrifice - Eric/Divergent Fanfiction {SEQUEL to Enigmatic} Where stories live. Discover now