Chapter Seven

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"Oh my word! She is so cute!!!" Angelina cried as she rushed into the apartment and basically snatched the baby from my arms. "I don't normally like kids, but holy shit she is adorable!!"

I blinked a few times and watched as Angelina softly rocked Ebonie and played with her tiny fingers.

"I wanted to hold her the other day when I congratulated Talulah, but she looked busy so I thought it was best not to ask."

"Well, you're holding her now... but you definitely didn't ask first." I mumbled.

Angelina looked up at me and grinned. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself! She's just so cute!"

"She is, but in future you should definitely think before you snatch someone else's cute child."

She smiled and quietly laughed, then her eyes flitted back down to Ebonie.

"Don't get any ideas!" Jay told her as he shut the door behind him.

"Don't worry, I'm not!"

Ebonie had been born three weeks ago to the day, and she certainly hadn't been short of attention. Lu, Mel and Isla had fawned over her for the entirety of dinner the day after she was born, and even Calvin had come over to have a look. That night, I'd stayed on Talulah's couch so that she could have more rest whilst I did the night duty, and that's when I'd changed my first diaper. It was gross. Baby poop was worse than adult poop.

Eric had held Ebonie for the first time the day after that when Talulah brought her up to our apartment before we went down to see Hal and Moira.

Today Talulah had gone to see the Patrol Captain to discuss working again. She needed the points, and she didn't like borrowing from me... She said that she felt like she owed me too much already for offering to keep paying for my room even though I lived in Eric's apartment now. To me, it made no difference. I wanted to help her.

She had left almost an hour ago, joining Freddie and his team on their train down to the fence. Ebonie had been left with Eric and I, and had slept soundly up until ten minutes before Angelina arrived.

"I just want to tuck her in my pocket and take her home!" Angelina squealed, and cuddled Ebonie close.

"No. Someone take her away from the child!" Jay grumbled and flopped on the sofa.

I giggled quietly, and flopped down beside him.

"Oh come on, look at her Jay! I wish I could keep her!"

"Too bad." Eric told her as he appeared from the bedroom and took the baby from her arms. "She's not yours."

"She's not yours either." Angelina retorted and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him.

"Nope, but she's gonna be living with me when her Mom starts working again, so I get to keep her.. and you don't." Eric replied and sat down in the armchair. Ebonie's little maroon dress had risen up, exposing her little white diaper, and Eric gently pulled it down to where it was supposed to be.

"You guys aren't going to make your own, are you?" Angelina questioned and leaned against the table.

My eyes widened it horror and I shook my head. "No."

"Definitely not." Eric added. "This little monster is enough."

I smiled and watched as Ebonie's tiny hand wrapped around one of Eric's large fingers.

"We're not those kinds of people, if we had a baby, it'd be by accident." I shrugged.

"No more Mathewson's." Eric said.

*DISCONTINUED* Sacrifice - Eric/Divergent Fanfiction {SEQUEL to Enigmatic} Where stories live. Discover now