...be with you

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Third Person's POV

"I love you."

Jackson said this with so much sincerity in it that Emi knew, it wasn't a joke. She knew that this, 'I love you' wasn't a friendship type, but in fact a confession.

"All this time and you didn't tell me before?" she asked, still shocked and disoriented from the confession.

"It was hard, it was so difficult. Every time you were there with me, I...it was so hard just to communicate with you, much less confess. The only way I could ever talk to you normally was when we were texting or on the phone. I would always hide my true feelings with joking...and random excuses whenever we talked alone." He looked at her in shame and fear, scared of what she was thinking and scared of the response. He continued on, "Just please, give me a chance to be loved by you and to love you."

Jackson looked at Emi in the eye, desperate for the affection that he had desired such a long time ago. But the thing is, she couldn't give him what he wanted. She loved someone else.

And as if Jackson had read her mind, he shook his head and sighed deeply, "It's fine. I get it, you love someone else and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not him and I'll never be him."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Emi couldn't bring herself to say anything else than that.

"No! It's okay. I'll support you, don't worry about me."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke up again, "You know, I always wondered what you found so fascinating about Jimin."

Emi's eyes popped out, "You knew?!"

He chuckled and spoke in a valley girl tone and snapped his fingers sassily, "Well, duh, you were so obvious."

She laughed loudly and hit him, "How obvious, though?"

Jackson just stared at her in response. Quite intently. For a minute he remained like this. That's when she realized, he was trying to imitate her.

Emi snorted and shouted, "Ya! I don't!"

He stuck out his tongue at her, "Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"





"Dagchyeo! Shut the hell up!" It was Min Yoongi, who seemed to have bed hair and was still dazed.

Shoot. They woke up the sleeping turtle.

As if Yoongi was a wizard, he completely silenced Jackson who looked at him in fear. When Yoongi left the room, both Emi and Jackson let out small snickers. Jackson decided to say something stupid now.

"I think we were too loud."

"You think?" She raised her eyebrows at him, while he just shrugged.

Emi's POV

It was night time and everyone had returned to their own dorms. Emma was taking a shower while Zendaya was passed out on the couch. Being hungry, I decided to open up the fridge to get some snacks. But to my disappointment, it was completely empty, apart from some vegetables and meat, it was enough for one more meal. That's when I volunteered to do some grocery shopping.

Now here I am coming out of the closest convenience store to my place. As I take in the cold, fresh air, I realize that it was raining extremely heavily. I could hear the rain hitting the pavement before me, hard.

Shoot. I forgot my phone and my umbrella. So, I made the most stupid decision in my life. Running back home, in the rain.

I didn't last long, the rain seeped into my shirt, drenching it. My shoes were soaked and filled with water and my hair was completely wet. I was trembling, because the wind that blew against my skin felt chillingly cold.

I was just so tired, that I didn't notice, I ran in the wrong direction and passed out.


Third Person's POV

Jimin had just dropped by the convenience store to get some hot buns for the boys back at the dorm when it began to rain.

When he paid for the late night snacks, he quickly ran into the staff's car and closed the door. It was late and the rain and wind grew worse. Two minutes had passed when the driver of the car suddenly stopped.

"Jimin ah, that young girl before us looks familiar."

Jimin looked below to see a girl, drenched and soaked to the skin. As he walked towards her with an umbrella, he leaned closer only to realize that he did in fact know this girl.

Emi. Chan Emi.

What on earth was she doing here at this time of night with this kind of weather?

Jimin looked over to see that in her hands, there were two grocery bags filled with food.

Is she crazy? Buying food in the middle of the night, in the rain, without bringing an umbrella or a phone?

Jimin turned to the driver and spoke softly, "Let's bring her back to the dorm before she catches a terrible cold."


Taehyung's POV

"Tae Tae."

Someone was whispering my name.

"Tae Tae." The voice became urgent.

"C'mon Tae, wake up, please!"

Stirring up from my sleep, I saw Jimin towering over me, trying to wake me up. I groaned out, "What?"

"Come out here for a minute, it's urgent."

I skeptically looked at him, "Why?"

Jimin looked panicked, "I have a slight problem and I need someone to help me."

I sighed heavily, "What do you need help with?"


"Emi! What happened to her, why are her hands so cold and why is she wet?" I put my hands through my hair and gripped it to try not panicking. "Don't tell me..."

Jimin nodded, "Yeah, she was out cold in the rain."

I bent down towards her body, "Emi ah, pabo," glancing at Jimin who was worriedly looking at her, my voice shook, "Jiminie, we need to dry her..."


OHOHO what do you think is going to happen? How do you feel about Jackson?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this update. I'll update more often after this week :)))) so i'll be done soon. Please comment your answer to the question above AAAAANDD vote!!

Don't forget to vote for BTS via twitter for the Top Social Artist of the Year Award using the word 'VOTE' and the hastag #BTSBBMAs ! :) challenge: write down how BTS has inspired you this year!

Thanks for reading ! 💜

-thebluefalcon 💋xoxo

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