day ::epilogue

23 0 1

Emi's POV

Hello Journal,

It's been a while.

It's August 2024. 

The most recent film that came out was COVID-19: World Devastation. After watching it yesterday night, it took Jimin and I a while to get used to hugging each other again. We were quite traumatised, and we had to wash our hands several times after. Wow, I can not imagine living in a world like that. Social distancing, constant hand washing, constant mask goodness. I mean, I wouldn't complain about doing it if I ever had to come across anything like COVID-19, I would totally understand why. That president though, what was his name...Donald Trump? He handled it terribly. Thank GOODNESS, Joe Biden came in and saved the US from further devastation...

Putting that whole weird story and plot aside, Jimin and I actually argued yesterday night before bed, but we made up this morning.

Jisung and Jihoon. Park Jisung...Park Jihoon. Jisung cried again this morning, he didn't want to be fed his breakfast...I mean I get why, but he needs food, and he can't eat anything else other than his baby food, which yes, looks like vomit...

Jihoon's first day to kindergarten is today and Jimin is currently taking him there as I write. Jisung is currently sleeping...peacefully :)

Life is great and it's awesome. I miss everyone...who doesn't.

Anyways, was nice writing in you again. I'll see you in the next few hours maybe? Yeahhhh...



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