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I feel so worthless.

Oh yea. It's 5:43 PM.

Today was a half day at school. We have one more day left, so I should be happy right.

I'm not. I can't really find it in myself to he happy anymore. And how I fucking try.

I find it all to easy to put a mask on during the day. To smile and laugh and act happy.

I know my friends don't care. It's somewhat easy to see. But they do. I just know i'll never their first choice. No matter how hard I try. Or not try. I'll never be good enough.

And I understand that.

I also am suicidal again. But I'm not going to do it. I can't hurt anyone else more than I already am.

I think my friend reads this. Then again I introduced a lot of my friends to this site.

I don't think anyone even cares to read this.

Just another suicidal, depressed, self harmer that our generation already has enough of.

Yet my BPD and paranoia has eaten me to the core and now there's nothing left but the fucking mask of me.

It's 6:07 PM.

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