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It's 7:45 pm

Geez. I haven't been on this story for a while. Thanks to @imissu451 for reminding me that this book exists.

As I stated a few months ago I'm a freshmen. I have been clean and hardly thought about killing myself- killing other people is a different story- and I'm relatively happy.

Sure I have my moments because of BPD but I'm getting better at controlling it.

I'm currently keeping myself very busy. I'm on bowling team ((varsity too)), robotics ((had our first competition yesterday)), and I'm in drama ((even though I think I'm going to quit that soon)). The cool things about being in a lot of clubs is that you make a lot of friends and learn a lot of skillz.

((In robotics yesterday me and another person were trying to zip-tie something and he cut his finger and didn't notice until I realized I got blood on me and smh.))

I think I'm going to try to update this once a week or every other week. I'll try to keep you guys updated in my life.

It's 7:50 pm

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