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he left. just like that. gone.

now i'm all alone — no april, no taeyun. there's still kangdae..

생각조차 하지마 (don't even think about it).

i sat in my room, crying silently. why am i so sad? i barely knew that guy. yet- yet i'm feeling this way. 왜 (why)?


i walked into the school and just my luck, i ran into kangdae.

since i was crying all night, my eyes were puffy and i'm pretty sure i looked like a zombie.

"hwayoung?" he said, smiling.

"네 (yeah)?" i avoided his gaze, slightly blushing.

"괜찮아 (you okay)?" i nodded.

throughout the whole day, i was surprised that he seemed to talk to me whenever we saw each other. what is happening?

honestly, i would've never expected that this day would come. we're gonna get married and have 10 babies.


but we really got closer and i was content.

"april?" i knocked on her door.

"oh, hi hwayoung!" her mum opened the door. she looked so tired with wrinkles and eye bags.

i smiled and bowed ever so slightly.

"april's in her room. she wouldn't talk to me. i'm really worried about her. could you help out?" she asked, eyes tearing up a little.

"sure, ms fisher," i walked past her, straight up the memorised path to april's room.

i knocked the door in a special pattern.

"april," i said softly. "let me in."

i put my ear to the door and could not hear anything. i knocked again. nothing.

i took a step back and with all my energy, i kicked the door open.

the room was empty.

"april!" i shouted frantically around the room.

you could tell no one was here but deep down, i hoped she was still here.

i heard the running water.


i knocked impatiently on the door but gave up and kicked the door open.


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