Dedicated Chapter 7:

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Monday morning while walking with Armin


"Is Hanji in her office?" I asked Armin.

"T-teacher Hanji is currently in the Principal's Office."

I'm already walking ahead while Armin is still catching up. The way to the Principal's Office is still familiar to me and I hope it's still located there.

"Uhm- Mr. Ackerman, it seems like you're familiar with our school and you're already heading towards the Principal's Office. By chance, did you study here?" Asked Armin.

"Yes." I answered him and sighed.

"Amazing! So meaning, there's a chance that you're batch mates with the others?" Armin asked.


"I don't know."

We are almost there and we are walking through the corridor. Then we stopped right in front of the Principal's Office. I let Armin go in there to call Hanji.

This place still gives me the creeps. It changed a little but for me it's still giving off a dark atmosphere.

"Teacher Hanji is not in there. I think my classmate called her already." Armin stated.

It took us a long time to go to the building where their room is located. Ashton always run off to somewhere and Armin always chase him. I have to carry Ashton so he won't run off again.

As of now, we're already outside the Room 104. Armin went inside tiringly. I also heard his conversation with Hanji.

"Good morning teacher Hanji. Mr. Ackerman is here to see you."

"Thanks. You may take your seat now."

Ashton wriggled away from me and entered the room so I have to follow him. This kid just do not know how to stay put!

"What is it?" Hanji asked when she saw me.

"Ashton wants to see you." I answered.


Unconsciously, I looked around and saw the students from a while ago. The two boys who fought earlier and the girl with the red scarf is also here. My eyes looked at the back and I saw a blonde guy that is Mike Zacharias.

Mike Zacharias is here. Why?! But if the sniffer is here-

"Here Hanji, I'll be fetching these papers by to-"

Erwin Smith is also here.

I can feel the tension surrounding us inside the room. The students are staring at us as if their watching a soap opera.


Next thing that I know, Hanji is sitting in front of the classroom while Ashton is sitting on her lap.

"What is a thug doing here?" Erwin asked.

Hanji seems to be confused and asked Erwin.

"What are you saying? Why, do you know Mr. Ackerman?"

"Erwin, I smelled the black tea before he came in." Mike butted in.

"Can you just tell me what's the meaning of this?" Hanji blurted.

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