Dedicated Chapter 10:

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While driving


Petra's text bothers me very much.

"I'll be waiting outside your shop. Come back here with Ashton ASAP."

It seems to me that something urgent from their home had come up. I should hurry then if that's the case.

I looked beside me to see that Ashton is sleeping again.


After almost half an hour, at last we reached our destination. 3:34 pm. Maybe Petra is already here.

I was right.

She is seating on one of the chairs outside my shop; wearing a red jacket and gray shirt underneath, matched with black jagger pants, gray shoes and dark shades. I get out of the car then opened the door of the passenger's side and carried Ashton out. Petra stands up as she saw us.

"How did it go? Did you meet her?"

"Not only her. A lot of other people too." I said as I hand her Ashton.

"What do you mean by that? Did something happened?" She asked, confused.

"I myself was also surprised actually. Guess where does Hanji Zoe works besides the li-"

"Save it for later. They're here now." I heard her say.

Who? Bodyguards?

"You will be surprised Levi." She added.

A silver van appeared in front. When the door opened, Oluo greeted us with a smile. Behind him, I also saw Eld and Gunther who waved at us.

Indeed, this is surprising! The squad is complete again.

"I say this is a reunion!" Oluo said as he step out.

Now what do you mean by that?


Originally, I plan to open up my shop even just for three hours. But that plan went straight to the trash bin. Oluo's mother came earlier in another car and picked up Ashton.

Currently, the rest of us are just sitting outside my shop.

"What's the plan now? We're supposed to be having a feast inside Attack House in this very moment." I said.

"I don't know." Gunther commented laughingly.

I don't understand. It's too quiet and calm unlike the way we were.

To be honest, if this is actually a reunion then this should be done right. What is happening now is so abnormal.

I started tapping the table with my fingers. And suddenly...

I know what should we do.

"Don't be like this. We are sitting as if we're sitting on a toilet. Stand up, We'll go stargazing. Go home and get your sleeping bags. We'll go to my hideout." I announced.

Surprisingly everyone laughed, which confused me.

"You win Petra. You're bet was right. I'll let you borrow my neck pillow on the way." Eld said.

"Hey, what's with the bet?!" I asked them.

"Petra invited Eld and Gunther to hang out with you. She also knows that you bought the piece of land near the former city hall that's why she and Eld made a bet. They bet if you would bring up about going there or not. Petra is so sure of it that she even ordered us to bring our 'sleeping kit'." Explained Oluo.

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